Re: lovegender, reptillianbrain,looong.

Jay Purselley (
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 19:30:09 -0500

Julia, I'm glad that you liked my post.Yes, we already are eternal.By
opening the Heart, the Dance ot Union begins.
May the intoxicated ever madly twirl on Loves hallowed stage, mirroring
ever I and Thou and Thee.Who is Majun, who is Leila,who is Krsna, who is
Radha? All is the Beloved. The Dance of Leela,the Play Divine,ever
flows forward. Soul in the audience, Soul on stage.Back and forth we go
taking turns,in time and out of time.

Remember Fantuzzi's song about
Leela?"Oh Leela,Leela,this play is just a game,Winners lose and losers
win, and it's all the same.Oh Leela,Leela,this world is just a
show,lovers leave and leavers love ,and they don't know. "
Trip Love Fantastic-Arrowstar+Tribe of Romany Star+Rainbow-

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