Re: lovegender, reptillianbrain,looong.

AwiNoquisi (
13 Oct 1997 18:24:16 GMT

Very interesting post. Yes, ah yes, 7 is a most wonderful number. But then,
so are 3 and 4. And then 3 and 4 make 7. Anyway, I found it most interesting
about celibacy and sex magick, etc. In the Orient, in the traditions about
Ch'i (or ki), it is believed that by having sex, you lose a certain amount of
ch'i that can never be regained. *Sigh,* but if that were true, I guess I was
personally born with a heck of alot of ch'i, otherwise I'd be dead from lack
of ch'i! Hahaha! {I think it's because in a past life, I spent most of my
time in a nunnery of sorts (whew, that's a whole other story LOL!).} Now, I
am not obessessed with sex, and have never practiced sex magick, but I do
think that sex is divine. Oh yes, sex was given to us by Great Spirit to give
and receive pleasure and to continue the species. But on another level, it
was given to experience the Divine Union of body and soul with that special
someone. I mean, sex and love are two different things, but sex and love
together--WHAM! Love is the absence of fear. Arrowstar wrote: >Thus one can
>then be serene with no fear no matter what may come.
Yep, yep, yep. So sex with love as the intention is divine. Hmmm, but that
takes us back to the many forms of love that exist.
(Fear? What is that? LOL!)

>.Those who
>devote themselves to the Divine Beloved alone, become Eternal and

Yet, the divine is within us all. The energy of Creator is within as well as
without us all. As I look out the window at the trees and the squirrels, I
see that they are part of that energy. As I look at myself in the mirror, I
see that I am part of that also. So, in my belief, one does not have to
forsake sex to become eternal; one is already eternal. Spirit is energy.
Energy does not ever die--it simply transfers. Even modern physics cannot
dispute this. Indeed, modern physics is confirming this! Now, where that
energy goes is up to the individual. (Karma, etc, etc...)

>This math set shows that even such chaotic seeming things as the
>placement of trees and plants along stream and ocean shorelines has a
>definite order and pattern.

Ah, yes! An old friend of mine was a genius, a double major in physics and
mathematics. He often spoke with me about what is commonly known as "Chaos
theory." A single atom is seemingly pretty chaotic, but there is method to
the madness. I suppose a Rainbow gathering is much like that too. LOL!

>what thy wilt shall be the whole of the law.Love is the law,love under
>will.There is no law beyond do what thy wilt"

"An' harm it none do what thy wilt." Well, I must say peace for now. I could
write alot more about this wonderful post, but I must be getting back to work.
I love y'all!!!!!!!!!!

Walk in Beauty,

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