(: IT'S A GIRL! :)

Dragonfly (dragnfly@iac.net)
Sun, 12 Oct 1997 16:19:23 -0400

Hannah Rae my third grandchild was born on 10-10-97 at 9:36am
It was her third attempt at entering the world.

Her mother
was in labor two other times but it didn't progress and they
sent her home from the hospital on the 25th and the 2nd.

This time labor did progress but in an unusual way. Because
it wasn't "typical" the nurse wanted to send my daughter home
again. Had we agreed to go, this ending might not have been a
happy one.

We knew;) she was going to deliver this time and refused to
go home. It turns out, we did the right thing. The nurse kept
telling her she wasn't in labor, took her off the monitor and
refused to hook her back up and had left her off of it til 6am.
3 1/2 hours after the nurse's last statement, that she wasn't in
labor, my daughter gave birth to Hannah!

The baby presented with the cord firmly wrapped twice around
her head and neck. The doctor was unable to undo the cord and
had to resort to cutting it. That was a bit difficult because
of how tight it was pulled around her. After the doctor told
her not to push again, there was a heart stopping moment, when
my daughter said "why don't I hear anything?"

Wondering if the baby could be untangled in time or could breath at
all, I probably had the best poker face of my life. I attempted
to reassure my daughter, the baby was just taking her time.

The baby did breath on her own after a few tense moments.
She's beautiful
and there was no apparent damage due to loss of oxygen while the cord
was clamped off during the delivery.
......mom, dad and baby are all doing fine:)

Now it's time to head for TN again so I'll just be dashing
in and out on an irregular basis. Will try to drop into agr
now and again cuzzzzzz I misssssssss youuuuuuu alllllllll
and love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........thanks for all the words of
support and encouragement!! The past few weeks or so just
got to be a "tad" bit hectic and sad at times. Your kind words
helped ease stress and make some difficult moments easier to
deal with.


on and off the road again
much love and a
real BIggggggg HUgzzzzzzzz


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