Burstday Postmortem from <R>

Sun, 12 Oct 1997 07:54:11 -0400 (EDT)

Well, so I was locked in until 7:30 a.m. on Oct 11 taking the carnsarned
utility bed off my new 1971 bad ass truck. Yup. It was the utility bed that
ate my birthday! But I am, amongst my other "titles", the Queen of Jacks.
So from the time I got up friday until I went to bed at 8:30 a.m. on the
11th, I was engaged in this very gnarley project. I finally drove the truck
out at 7:05 and did twenty-five minutes clean up and stabilizing the thing on
the front lawn for selling display. (It is against the law to the tune of a
$350. ticket in this town to park on grass. So I couldn't leave the
jackknifed bed and go to my soft, warm bed and resume later.) I was long
since dead. It was cold and damp, and I've got a busted ear drum from an ear
infection already. It was 15 hundred or 2k pounds of steel. I was a wreck.
No voice. Every muscle hurts. My joints were ground glass. My asthma was
pretty extreme. But I wasn't ever hallucinatory even in that great fatigue
because visual distortions are deadly in a situation like that. So it wasn't
permitted. But it is done! Hurray! Now the gypsy house goes on! (And yes
I'm hoping for the maiden voyage to be the Halloween Ca Gathering!!!!) At 9
p.m. on my birthday, my mother called and I started crying because I hadn't
had any birthday type moment all day because of not being able to go any
where with the bed hung up. ("Couldn't you try just a little bit harder?")
But I stopped crying and said, "But actually I got a bunch of really nice
birthday emails from Rainbows on agr!" I Love You All A Great Deal! Thanks
for being my birthday party! I gathered with family on 10/10 after all!
Love, Miranda, Raven, She Who Has The Best Family!!!!! Ya'll Rock, Rainbow!
And, yeah, Maddy Clair, we've had a lot of fun on the way! I'm ready for 48
more! Come get me, World! Here I am! Rock it!

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