Public Citizen (Ralph Nader) Web Site

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Sun, 12 Oct 1997 03:10:39 -0600

<Picture: Public Citizen>

Health Research Group Attacks U.S. Double Standard on HIV Research

Ralph Nader and Dr. Sidney Wolfe's letter to Congress on FDA REFORM

Ways and Means Vote Foreshadows Dwindling Prospects of Fast Track

Letter to President Clinton urging him to stop sponsoring unethical

Action Alert on Campaign Finance Reform


Public Citizen's Congressional Voting and Money Scorecard
Text only/low bandwith

Public Citizen's Opposition to the Tobacco Deal and Related Documents


[ Critical Mass Energy Project]

[Congress Watch]

[ The Litigation Group]

[ Global Trade Watch]

[Health Research Group]


Founded by Ralph Nader in 1971, Public Citizen is the consumer's eyes and
ears in Washington. With the support of more than 150,000 people like you,
we fight for safer drugs and medical devices, cleaner and safer energy
sources, a cleaner environment, and a more open and democratic government.

We stand up for you against thousands of special interest lobbyists in
Washington -- well-heeled agents for drug companies, the automakers, big
energy interests, and the like. Our budget is small by comparison. But
Public Citizen is respected and effective, precisely because we accept no
government or corporate support. We speak only for you.

Six Divisions -- One Mission

<Picture: **>CONGRESS WATCH champions consumer and citizen interests before
the U.S. Congress. Among other issues, Congress Watch lobbies to strengthen
protection of the public's health and safety and the environment; demands
an end to corporate subsidies; fights to preserve citizen access to the
courts to redress corporate wrongdoing; and seeks to ensure a strong
democracy by exposing the harmful impact of money in politics and
advocating for comprehensive campaign finance reform.

<Picture: **>THE HEALTH RESEARCH GROUP fights for safe foods, drugs and
medical devices; for greater consumer control over personal health
decisions; and for universal access to quality health care. As the
country's leading consumer watchdog group on health issues, HRG has exposed
the tobacco industry's pervasive influence on Capitol Hill, the failure of
state medical boards to discipline incompetent doctors, and the
unnecessarily high rate of caesarean section deliveries.

<Picture: **>THE LITIGATION GROUP is the nation's preeminent public
interest law firm. Its attorneys bring precedent-setting lawsuits on behalf
of citizens in order to protect the health, safety, and rights of

<Picture: **>THE CRITICAL MASS ENERGY PROJECT is a powerful voice in the
movement to decrease reliance on nuclear and fossil fuels and to promote
safe, economical, and environmentally sound energy use through conservation
and renewable sources. Critical Mass prepares and disseminates reports,
lobbies Congress, and acts as a watchdog of key federal and state energy
regulatory agencies.

<Picture: **>GLOBAL TRADE WATCH leads the way in educating the American
public about the enormous impact of international trade and economic
globalization on our jobs, the environment, public health and safety and
democratic accountabilty. Global Trade Watch works in defense of consumer
health and safety, the environment, good jobs and democratic
decision-making which are threatened by the so-called "free trade" agenda
of the proponents of economic globalization.

<Picture: **>BUYERS UP is a home heating-oil cooperative group buying
program that acts as an information resource on home energy and
environmental issues. Its reports have yielded important data on the
over-promotion of high-octane gasoline by the oil companies, and the
failure of many states to ensure the quality of gasoline sold to consumers.


        -- A chronology of Public Citizen's most important victories in the
past twenty-five years.

        -- and help fight to protect your rights as a citizen and consumer.


Thank you for visiting the Public Citizen Home Page.

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