Re: lovegender, reptillianbrain,looong.

Jay Purselley (
Sat, 11 Oct 1997 09:29:03 -0500

Yes Carla Trantrarla, I agree with you.To be truly celibate one would
have done inner work on ones self and desire nature to where the sexual
drive is sublimated into and for a higher creaive spiritual purpose,
thus invoking Divine Will.Spirit and sex are intertwined and a study of
the esoteric side of DNA will bear this out.In the process of spiritual
evolution one always comes to this point. Basically the higher Divine
Will can be invoked only through complete celibacy, or by sublimation of
sexual desire through living as a householder (commited couple
relationship no matter the sexual orientation ). In other words one
puts the sexual drive in harmony with the rest of ones life. When the
sexual need is fulfilled then one can go about the rest of ones life in
balance.The emphasis is taken off and ones mind becomes quieter, and
then one can start doing the inner work.That is the object;to mke the
mind still within,quiet.A real warrior is one who conquers the battle
within ,who has found her/his True purpose,that which is in alignment
with the purpose of the Universe.Qne developes the little will of the
egoic false shallow self into the Will of the true self.Thus one can
then be serene with no fear no matter what may come.One conciously
identifies with True Being, ones Eternal reality in and as that Being,
often called the soul or spirit.The microcosm has aligned with the
macrocosm and is sprouting into that state like a catapiller into a
butterfly.Qf course you know that this is what meditation is all about;
to go within daily ,become centered and grounded,conversant with ones
inner self ,ones Holy Guardian Angel.To ground and center oneself in the
Universal ,the Eternal, one realizes the Eternal.It all comes back to
Love.LOVE ALONE is ETERNAL and THE NAMELESS (that which is beyond name
that all peoples know as God/Goddess/All That Is)is LOVE.Those who
devote themselves to the Divine Beloved alone, become Eternal and
Deathless. Even in authenic Tantra one eventually reaches the state of
going beyond sex.In other words one has experienced the evolution of
what sex ultimately is and becomes. Sex is now Divine Union and
journeying back to the True Home of ones real Essence and Being.To
become engrossed in sex wether in ones mind or with ones body(or usually
both),is a trick and trap(empisonment) of the Negative Power of these
lower universes(reality planes or dimensions).Yes, with sex magick one
can seem to be accomplishing a lot.But one is really locking into the
illusory nature of the lower solar wheels,(chakra=chak=wheel,ra
=sun)(centers of spinning energy or Vortexia as i.r.b. calls it).Qne
developes yogic (psychic)powers but short circuits ones true longing for
the Beloved and the true Home.Qne stunts ones inner Magikal Child ,and
so the Soul may have to wait for another life to try again.After all the
wholistic meaning of the Rainbow is the Wisdom/Knowledge of Self and the
seven scale universal Harmony.Which we find all around us from music, to
light, to the chakra centers of our three
bodies(physical,emotional,mental/spiritual). Seven in each vibratory
level(body).7+7+7=21.777 is a very sacred level of Harmony.Divine Order
is evident here.Even chaos has order, as reference the recent discovery
and immediate simultanious crop circle appearance of the Mandlebro
Set.This math set shows that even such chaotic seeming things as the
placement of trees and plants along stream and ocean shorelines has a
definite order and pattern.Truly God/Goddess is Great! The ancient
Mystics always said that one had to be Divinely Intoxicated or Mad (for
the Beloved) in order to fully inter the Divine Mysterys.Thats what a
mystic is, a student of the Great and only Mystery(of Life).Folks , all
the above could be construed as a view into the higher meaning of "Do
what thy wilt shall be the whole of the law.Love is the law,love under
will.There is no law beyond do what thy wilt" Well I must go. All my
love to all family everywhere.Oh yes, it is hard to be truly
celibate.I've been for 12 years now.I'm thinking of finding a lady
partner for a relatioship again.Of opening to it.But it must be magick!
A ll the best blessings for the Highest Good. Peace- Arrowstar + Tribe
of Romany Star+ Rainbow-

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