RE: Burstday Randomings Perhaps Pt. One

Randall,Holly-SEA (
Fri, 10 Oct 97 15:20:00 PDT

=Hmmm. Thanks and giggles fer der birthday messages, oh cyber family of my
=overies. On subject of thirty-year reunion re flower happenstancry as per
=haight/ashbury plexus: I have remarkably remnantly miniscule sentimentality
=left for that time and or place, which ever comes first in this
=non-sequential universe. And on the homepage for this weekend's summer of
=love thingy, I was totally gagged and disgusted with the teutonic/milk
=seriousness of it all. What a bunch of pompous assholes these geriatric
=hippies be! Listen: I was there! I knew these old boys! All they wanted
=young beautiful girls such as I was then was to fuck em! Lecture them;
=recite their accomplishments as streets fighters/bohemians; take em to a
=restaurant; then fuck em. You still see a lot of this in the rainbow, too.
=These old geezers with not so much a hard on but rigor mortise that
=especially effects the penis and the cerebral cortex "HELPING" these young
=pretty things. It is like instead of having a party, these self-appointed
=hippy elders gotta pretend to save the lost teens. GET OVER IT! A "Be In"
=is a celebration of the existential now, void and all. But in true
=mentality, these folks have to have an agenda. Well....... As Bob Dylan
=says: "Everyone knows you have to be honest to live out side the law." I
=highly recommend to all adults that if you want to save children: (a), use
=birthcontrol; pay your own childsupport bills, (b); (c), find and nourish
=your own innerchild; and, (d), don't follow leaders (sic: don't vote in
=anymore gonstermachers who won't sign anti landmine treaties.) Besides:
=heard it from my sister and brother high holy buds that the only non-bogus
=summer of love happening will be on OCT. 23. So here I am on my birthday
=trying to get the utility bed off my newly purchased truck so I can put the
=gypsy house on. Oh for a torch! Fire! I bring you Fire! Love, Miranda,
=Raven She Who Is Grinding Away on Her Birthday.

really?? oh well, then!
good one, Miranda, Raven.

Happy happy birthday!


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