a travel tip for my siblings

MicDLac (micdlac@aol.com)
10 Oct 1997 17:13:05 GMT

Dear Brethern,
Do y'all realize that the big three long distance carriers will gouge you
to financial ruin If you ever have to make a call from anywhere but your own
home phone? If you want to save a whole bunch of money this is what you do.
You always keep a discount prepaid phone card in your pocket. Dial the 800
number and pin number on the card and the number you are calling, the operator
comes on and tells you how many minutes you have left. Call anywhere in the
country for 19 cents/min at any time of the day. If you want to try one send
me your address and $1.00 and I'll send you two 3min trial cards.(six
minutes). When you want to get more i can send you $5, $10, and $20 cards.
Don't leave home without one!

Be wise and go in peace,

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