Re: Re: The DOGGONE Golden Road

Sky (
Fri, 10 Oct 97 01:29:03 PDT

| Edward J. Stamas wrote:
| >
| > Ho!!!
| >
| > gender is an illusion...
| > hell, so is the entire physical realm!
| >
| > we _can_ move beyond it to find out who
| > we really are...
| >
| > Pride is unnecessary and often causes
| > trouble.
| >
| > Blessings,
| >
| Ephemeral, temporal, diaphanous maybe, but "unreal" is a cop out. Those
| children that farmers find in ditches in south america with their eyes
| and kidneys sawed out so they could be sold on the black market is real
| sir.
| If you remove yourself far enough away from any object, yes the details
| will eventually dissolve into a meaningless grey. But this too, is an
| illusion. An eastern parlor trick. So what has meaning??? Anything? I
| don't have the energy for this right now.
| Peace
| Mark...

I have to agree with you, Mark. I get so tired of reading this unending
generationally repetitive bull. Kinda like the 16 year old kid that learns
to escape the responsibilities of life by smoking, popping and drinking
into a non-existent ethereal illusory fantasy world and one day, just
maybe, the kid wakes up in time...if not, he wakes up still far later in
life, not to a life time of satisfaction, wife, kids, family, home,
security...but to that of a lonely, embittered, broken, broke old grouch
with a dead roach and an empty bottle...complaining that life ain't
fair...and, as ever, the suddenness of the real world's presence is so
overwhelming it's painful...he doesn't know how to deal with it, he never
learned to cope, never learned to deal with life on it's he
ducks back into his little make believe time machine world of smoking,
popping and empty bottle home in the gutter. Sooo sad. The only "real"
thing anyone can do for them is pray.

blessings & dreams,

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