Re: Double Rainbows, anyone? Adobes?

kaliedescope eyes (
10 Oct 1997 02:08:33 GMT

i saw my first and only double rainbow this past year at bread and puppet
festival in vt.

i had wondered up to a campsite where they had a raging dinner fire and
some drumming going on. i joined in the drumming and asked if i could
throw a potato in their fire. can't remember now if the first rainbow
started before or after we circled for feasting.

i was so estactically surprised when we held hands and they started toning
(what the family calls "om-ing" is a variation of what i've been taught
as toning) and then broke into a life-affirming chant. months later i was
to discover that it was literally the rainbow influence.

how truly synchronistic it all was.

and yes i did see them again at the gathering in vt later.

peace and blessings

_|_ "at this point my need for an explanation of this phenomenon is 
 |	superceded by my gratitude for its existence."    --me

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