Re: The DOGGONE Golden Road

BJ (
Thu, 9 Oct 1997 13:19:34 -0700 (PDT)

At 12:54 AM 10/9/97 -0600, LUCIFER wrote:

>BJ I agree that humanity is ONE
>I want us to be ONE
>And I feel like ONE

you are ONE..

>One man. I just don't see my gentle side as a feminine quality.

Why should you? any quality you have (or don't have) is what you got (or
don't got).
If you (or others) choose to call some of your particular qualities
Feminine and others masculine then so be it.
If we all have a feminine side & a male side within, then I guess we're all
ONE, right?

What I find interesting is WHO decided which traits belong to which group?
and why is it that the female quality's seem to be described with positive
labels (understanding, caring, sharing, communicating, kindness, passion,
gentleness, etc) and male quality's seem to carry negative labels (warring,
greed, dominance, aggression, power, etc).... am I the only one who finds
this extremely funny/sad?

(I guess we're so used to having labels on all our cans & packaging so we
know what it is BEFORE we open it up, it's only natural for us to do it
with ourselves too :)

Label your qualities whatever you like bro. What's important is to work on
your good actions & thoughts to make them/you a better person, and work on
your bad actions & thoughts to make them a less part of you.

A rose is a rose, regardless of what you call it.

> I feel
>my nurturing is part of my manhood.

And so it is if you believe it (and not if you don't)

>Goddess I just don't grok this past
>life mixed gender deal. It seems too convenient for those with penis
>vs. vagina envy?

Ah, past lives ..... very interesting subject. another one that seems to be
so well defined, right? (by opinion at least)

.......... BJ

P.S. still waiting to hear from you about upcoming hotel plans

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