Susan Lee Solar (nukemuse@igc.org)
Thu, 09 Oct 1997 13:26:37 -0400

Susan Lee Solar <nukemuse@igc.org> thru Peace through Reason

thanks for responding -- I've got to leave west texas to drive to nevada for
healing global wounds -- I'm a day late becuz i had to stay here to make
calls to congress and email out stuff -- could you forward this message to
anyone in the US to call their senators who might be sympathetic either
because their state lies between the northeast (Maine and vermont) and west
texas and thus might be on the radwaste route --or becuase they're int he
west and understand this problem of the northeast nuke utilities wanting to
dump on the west, or because of the envir. justice issues, or because of the
stupidity and criminality of putting nuclear waste above a buried earthquake
fault above a major aquifer in the most seismically active region of Texas?

in peace


>Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1991 14:10:59
>To: druding@juno
>From: Susan Lee Solar <nukemuse@igc.org>
>friends--could you ask people to ask your senators to vote for the
amendment described below - if it fails, to vote against S 270 --
1-800-522-6721 will get you your senators
>Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1991 01:30:20
>>To: dolores
>>From: Susan Lee Solar <nukemuse@igc.org>
>>Dolores-- is there any hope for either of the new york senators (U/S) -
given that new york would be on the trnsport route, maybe they would see the
point in limiting the amount of through radwaste traffic -- would you be
willing to call and ask tomorrow as early as you get this message?
>>hugs, susan
>>>HR 629, the Texas-Maine -Vermont Radioactive waste COmpact bill passed
the House today (10/7) by a 3 to 1 margin -- with the Border Caucus and the
HIspanic Caucus and Lloyd Doggett and Kucinich of Ohio fighting gamely -- (
and Sanders screwing us!)
>>>Doggett's amendment to limit the waste received in Texas to that
generated by those 3 states only passed -- despite opposition from the
bill's sponsors from Texas, Maine and Vermont -- who counted on letting in
by a simple majority vote of the appointed compact commissioners the states
of Mass and Connecticut - and possibly also New Jersey, NY, and D.C. ---
even potentially the entire midwest compact group which just dissolved their
regional compact, saying they had no need for a dump in their region because
other dumps were available.
>>>The problem is that if the Senate bill (270) passes without the same
amendment, the bills go to a conference committee made up of proponents of
the dump, who can then undo the Doggett amendment -- with the amendment
attached to both bills, it has to go back to the 3 state legislatures to be
ratified -- which will allow us at least a 2 year period to fight it in
those same legislatures,with a good chance Maine would reject it, given that
they are decommissioning early and plan to send their waste to Barnwell,
S>C. which would save them $40 million over the Texas dump.
>>>THe vote could come up int he Senate tomorrow morning, so this is an
appeal for calls (1-800-522-6721 will get you any member of House or Senate)
as soon as you get this notice if you live between Maine and Vermont and
Texas to a senator likely to listen to such an appeal, like Torricelli,
whose aide said he might support the Wellstone amendment on environmental
justice, to offer instead, and really push for, an amendment limiting the
waste to be sent to Texas to that generated within the 3 original Compact
>>> Any Senator along the COmpact route could certainly justify to his or
her colleagues and constituents such an amendment on grounds of limiting the
amount of nuclear reactor waste coming thru the state on the interstates or
railways. THe route between the east coast and West Texas os anyone's best
guess or the trucker's choice, but there is one clue -- the state of Texas
agency which submitted the application for a license for this specific dump
near the Rio Grande and the small MExican-AMerican town of Sierra Blanca,
included a "probable" transport map showing the waste entering through
Texarkana, which most likely means Arkansas and either Tennessee or Missouri
and then working back to Maine and Vermont (or MAss. and Conn.) if the
amendment doesn't pass the Senate through a series of states.
>>>And for the rest of you, calls today at 1-800-522-6721 to your Senators
for a NO vote on S 270 on grounds of the site being in an active eatrthquake
zone, situated above a major aquifer (the West Texas Bolson), in a region
where 19 counties and 11 cities passed resolutions opposing the dump, in a
state where 82% of the citizens polled rejected the idea of taking out of
state nuclear waste, and in an area where about 70% of the residents are
Hispanic, 40% poverty level, and who never had the chance to vote on this
project, but spoke out overwhelmingly against it in public hearings.
>>>SUsan Lee Solar
>>>Sensible Mothers and others AGainst Radioactive Transport (S.M.A.R.T.)
>>>(cell: 512-217-5389 or callnotes messages at 512-707-0405)

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