Re: Double Rainbows, anyone? Adobes?

Dragonfly (
Wed, 08 Oct 1997 19:24:00 -0400

In article <61do74$6m2$>, (Gods Almighty) wrote:
> Yes and they are reversed from each other--one red to violet the other
> violet to red. Totally awesome! Saw this at this past years' Gathering
> in Oregon. It was sunset and we were in the tipi circle. Susan B you
> were there and Garrick and etc. Fantastic phenomonal blessings of a
> Double Rainbow and then it started o pour. We stood there soaked, cold
> and mesmorized!

WOW Wasn't it the greatest! Better than a picture postcard, which is the
only other place I've even seen one Rainbow like those before. Funny
how memories can be so healing...........that day was incredible

My experience: it was a cold and rainy day there came a crash of thunder
that shook the ground and generated enough static to make my hair stand
on end on my arms and I could feel it trying to do it on my scalp, except
a scarf held it down. I jumped and it was immediately followed by a
similar crash. This time I shook.

Slowly at first the rain eased up and
clouds began to part.... during this time their was some faint drumming
going on.

As the clouds parted and the rain eased up I stepped out from under the
tarps at Bliss to get a good feel and smell of the air sweetly charged
by the lightening. Of course I was looking for a rainbow and What a
rainbow that turned out to be. It seemed as though the entire gathering
exploded in sounds cheers, tears, drums, laughing, clapping, singing,
praying, playing and I was just as vocal......

The louder it got the brighter the rainbow got and as everything
reached a crescendo(sp?) another rainbow began to appear and the
camp exploded in an even louder frenzie of joy, until finally
on the trail between Bliss and the Co-Op Tent you could see the
whisper of a third one trying to appear......almost like a reflection
in a pond but not as clear and not visible in all parts of the camp.

Later I was told that during the storm and it was raining pretty
hard at times the law was out on the road busy ticketing and towing
family cars, when the lightening struck the first time, he continued
and when it struck the second time he had to quit. Imagine what he
must have felt like when their computers were knocked out by the

All I know is it was the most spectacular rainbow I've ever seen
stretching from one end of the meadow in a 45 degree arch over
main circle.......and disappearing into the sky to the left. The
one end seemed to touch the ground as if you could walk up to it
and the other disappeared in clouds. Another thing I've only seen
in post cards!! Didn't someone post they saw it on the way to the
gathering from mannnyyyyyyy miles away?

whoops.....daydreaming and lurking about again.....i miss you all
so much.....gotzta get back to catching up on my email hang in if
I owe you a reply I'm getting there!

much luvnhugzzzzzzzz
from your neighborhood lurker;)
retired Road OGRE
krispy kitchen kritter


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