Re: Liberation for ALL (formerly love,gender,reptillian)

Randall,Holly-SEA (
Wed, 08 Oct 97 15:49:00 PDT

>Hey guys...

>Crystal, you said: >Actually, that makes me think about a PBS nature
> documentery (I'm addicted
>>to them) that followed a troup of monkeys. It turned out to be
>>matrilinial. >> Yep, and we humans used to be matrilineal, for the most
> part, also. Ancient celtic tribes are a good example. It was the best
> because you know who a child's mother is, but you back then, you couldn't
> 100% positive of who the father was. I have a theory that the reason
> treat EarthMother so badly is that we experienced a major imbalance when
> Judeo-Christian beliefs and other mainly patriarchal religions began to
> dominate. These patriarchal religions brought about the inablity to
> how to honor the feminine. That's when men began to see "feminine
>as weaknesses. Although, it's interesting to know that originally,
> did honor the feminine. For example, I learned in my Old Testament class
> college that the original Hebrew word for "Holy Spirit" has a feminine
> connotation. Crazy, huh? I often wonder what caused the change. At any
> rate, I pray that we humans will regain our balance, celebrating and
> both the masculine and the feminine. And the blurry lines in between.

>Lovin Y'all,

I read something recently from this couple who do counseling - separately
and together -
men and women. Anyway, they brought up an interesting point. Who stands to
from the alienation between genders, the "obssession" of and encouragement
in seeing differences between genders?? Primarily, advertisers and once
again those greedy corporations.
Women are being forever fed that they're not beautiful or thin enough and
men are being fed that
they aren't successful enough ("Quick, go buy the latest Lexus!) So
basically, we, as men and women, continue to receive self-esteem eroding and
hollow messages from the mass media. "We need
to fiercely ally with one another in our mutual healing and our mutual
empowerment." Ho!

Both genders need to care for one another and together dismantle the
structures and systems that bind and oppress our souls equally and mutually.
Our hope for the future is that we (men and women) become
allies in this process of liberation. Here's to ALL people working and
loving and healing and growing

Ad nauseum, eh? Okay, that oughta be all from me on this subject!


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