Randall,Holly-SEA (
Wed, 08 Oct 97 08:58:00 PDT

Hey, thanks, Sparrow Daydancer!!!

I'd like to tell folks about the 'Columbus Got Lost' event in Seattle on the
12th (this Sunday) -
(though not Rainbow there will certainly be family there!)

Gasworks Park on Lake Union
starts at noon
on stage will be scheduled all-perscussion performing until 3
at which time *every*one will join in and go as long as Spirit moves us!

rumor has it that the sun will come out sunday but if not - we've been told
that we can
hold this in the barn. allllllright!

Rainbow Family Picnics on Sunday, October 12 :

1) Eugene, Oregon
at Alton Baker Park- near the Pavillions

2) Portland, Oregon
at the home of Chil' - 8840 SE Stark Street
(entrance is the stairway behind the building)

And... there will be lots of others happening simultaneouly around the
country (probably in other countries, too!) Including: New York City
(info was on this newsgroup), Kansas City (Southmoreland Park), Springfield,
MO (Call Dean @ (417)869-7073 for location). (also the same date of the
Summer of Love Celebration in Golden Gate Park and the Tonaskat Barter

Of course... bring "the usual" : food and juices to share, your own cup,
bowl and spoon, musical instruments, kids, friends, good vibes, love and

- posted by Sparrow Daydancer

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