Progress report- the nations
Tue, 07 Oct 1997 20:34:30 -0600

This might interest some:
The day will come when nations will be judged not by their military or
economic strength, nor by the splendour of their capital cities and public
buildings, but by the well-being of their peoples: by their levels of
health, nutrition and education; by their opportunities to earn a fair
reward for their labours; by their ability to participate in the
decisions that affect their lives; by the respect that is shown for their
civil and political liberties; by the provision that is made for those who
are vulnerable and disadvantaged; and by the protection that is afforded
to the growing minds and bodies of their children. The Progress of
Nations, published annually by the United Nations Children's Fund, is a
contribution towards that day. (intro to the UNICEF annual Progress of
Nations Survey Report for 1997)
A part of UNICEF's report for 1997 indicates that nearly 3,000 million
people, half the world, lack basic sanitation, with the situation getting
worse, not better, world-wide. The absence of basic hygiene leads to the
recurrence of old diseases and deaths from diarrea.

The Progress of Nations Survey also examines the aid record of
industrialized countries and notes that in 1995, the latest year
for which figures are available, official development assistance (ODA)
declined to the lowest level since aid statistics were first collected,
in 1950. With average contributions at only 0.27 per cent of the GNP,
the US fell to the bottom of the list with a contribution of only 0.10 as
a percentage of the GNP.

The leading donor nations, measured by contributions as a percentage of
GNP, are Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and Sweden. In absolute terms,
Jampan gives the most in ODS. The contributions of almost every country
have declinded since 1992. (Sources: UNICEF; New York Time, USA
The excerpt reprinted above was found in the September 1997 issue of Share
International Magazine<>
Progress of Nations Survey 1997:<>
Please do whatever you
can to eradicate suffering in this world of plenty.
International Service Agencies- Assists more than 160 million
impoverished people each year. <>
<> Interaction- a coalition of
non-profit orgs. promoting human dignity in 165 countries.
The Carter Center, Office of Development, One Copenhill Avenue,
453 Freedom Parkway,Atlanta, Georgia 30307
<> The Hunger Project
Salvation Army World Service Office: 800-638-8079
Freedom From Hunger: 800-638-8079
Save the Children: 800-728-2445
"There is nothing in your world, either alive or dead, that is worth
being agitated about, except the alleviation of suffering." From:
"The Boy & the Brothers"; publisher Neville Spearman, London,UK
"Feed your brothers. Remember that mankind is One, children of the
One Father. Make over in trust, the goods of the Earth to all who
are in need. Do this now and save the world." The Teacher

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