Re: lovegender, reptillianbrain,looong.

AwiNoquisi (
7 Oct 1997 22:46:11 GMT

Hey guys...

Crystal, you said: >Actually, that makes me think about a PBS nature
documentery (I'm addicted
>to them) that followed a troup of monkeys. It turned out to be
>matrilinial. >> Yep, and we humans used to be matrilineal, for the most
part, also. Ancient celtic tribes are a good example. It was the best way,
because you know who a child's mother is, but you back then, you couldn't be
100% positive of who the father was. I have a theory that the reason humans
treat EarthMother so badly is that we experienced a major imbalance when
Judeo-Christian beliefs and other mainly patriarchal religions began to
dominate. These patriarchal religions brought about the inablity to remember
how to honor the feminine. That's when men began to see "feminine attributes"
as weaknesses. Although, it's interesting to know that originally, Judaism
did honor the feminine. For example, I learned in my Old Testament class in
college that the original Hebrew word for "Holy Spirit" has a feminine
connotation. Crazy, huh? I often wonder what caused the change. At any
rate, I pray that we humans will regain our balance, celebrating and honoring
both the masculine and the feminine. And the blurry lines in between.

Lovin Y'all,

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