Global Warming....

AwiNoquisi (
7 Oct 1997 22:29:30 GMT

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,
Thought y'all might be interested in this. I love y'all!

With prayers for the Earth to heal,

Subj: Global Warming/FYI (fwd)
Date: 97-10-07 16:04:24 EDT
From: (Larry Kibbey)
To: (a-Paths-L)

October 6, 1997 White House Conference on Global Warming

Some highlights:

Leo O'Donnavan, President, Georgetown Univ./ President Clinton

main problem...population growth and technological growth

the "overview effect" seen by astronauts...reported as fragility of atmosphere

greenhouse gases come from use of fossil fuel and deforestation

in next century it is likely we will have significant disruption of
health and well being over the planet

John Holdren

greenhouse gases let in light but trap heat

US is 27% responsible for greenhouse emissions

mean temperature change 1 degree....1995 hotest on record

by 2100 we will have 2 1/2 times CO2...producing 2 - 6 degree change
US will have 5-10 degree change

more rain/snow/droughts less water in regions where water is needed
more malaria/yellow fever
food reduction/loss of shore fronts

triple or quadruple these figures if we continue "business as usual"

Thomas Karl

in the last couple of decades we have had 10 times the number of floods

the increase of water vapor causes storms....increase in
precipitation...the intensity of storm increases


species will move northwards

sugar maples will move north....pinon pine will disappear...trees move
only 3 degrees per century

Thomas Karl

asthma will increase...southwest (cholora/malaria) Malaria already in
US (Detroit) 6% warmer

in DC 105 heat index

Donal Wilhite

drought ....short term intense rain...increases temperature and dries soil

el nino....every two to seven years....this year looks like most intense
in 200 years

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