Re: The DOGGONE Golden Road

AwiNoquisi (
7 Oct 1997 22:22:56 GMT

I quote Jed: >>gender is an illusion...
>>hell, so is the entire physical realm!

I have to throw my two cents in, in disagreement, so that perhaps we are all
that 2 cents richer (I hope). It all seems pretty darned real to me. I guess
it's a question of perception, though. In my opinion, anything you can think
of is real. Thoughts have great, great power. Spoken words even more so
because then they are manifested. (This is what I was taught by my
great-grandad.) Everything that exists was created this way, and for a
reason. The Earth, She exists. We exist. Our pain exists, our joy exists.
The whole "illusion of reality" thing is one part of Hinduism that I cannot
seem to accept. We are here. It's a miracle! We each have all of these
bunches and bunches of tiny particles of energy dancing around. They form us.
They are real. Spirit is bunches and bunches of tiny particles of energy
dancing around. So we are particles of energy, spirit within matter.
Everyday, I awake to this miracle, and marvel at it, saying thanks to Creator.
Everyday, I share in this reality with everything that exists. At the same
time, I am unique in energy and I am part of the whole. The point I am
trying to make is this--yin and yang are different, yet the same. It is all
part of the whole. How lovely it is!

With Love and Hugs,

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