Re: Dallas Gathering private??????

James L. McGill (
Mon, 6 Oct 1997 18:40:31 -0500

In article <> you write:
>Look now Maddy and Bob and others--this is all pretty simple and not such a
>big deal--when folke do things on private property the land owner has a
>legitmate right to set any parameters they want--it's their land and how they
>choose to use it is their choice

In Texas at least, the owner *must* do this. Have you
met the cops down here?

When we consensed to this (we called it a council gathering, by the way)
Much of the consensus dealt with this very topic. We agreed that we would
have word-of-mouth invitation. We have a rather large group of like-thinking
people in our local drum community -- this is a network of 400 or 500 people
who pretty much all know each other; there will be a lot of people at this
er, gathering, through word-of-mouth invitation.

What we agreed not to do was to, for instance, put a flyer in the
natural food store, or in the bar where the drum jam is, or (duh)
on the internet.

We DO HAVE a fall regional gathering, at a Beautiful (!) body of water,
with a FOREST and a BEACH, and a relatively tolerant community (gotta love it!)
at the usual place on the Sam Rayburn Lake near Broaddus (Eastern Central)
Texas. Y'all come. Please. We would really like to see everybody and their
dog (yes, I said Dog), come to this Rainbow Gathering.

The "gathering" that I read the grumbling about is not supposed to be
a rainbow gathering. It is supposed to be so a few people can get on
the land, albeit private land, in order to get their juju together
and definitely to help focus our embittered and alienated regional
family. If as many people come to our council gathering as would if
we invited the world, the person who lives there would be in very
deep kimshi. But the fact of the matter is that the good people who
planned this nonevent happen to be inveterate rainbow family.
So it is natural for us to want to call it a gathering, rainbow family,
whatever. (I would not have called it that!)

We sure do seem to have gotten off on a bad foot.

g-r-a-t-e-f-u-l-l-y---[   email:<>   ]---l-i-v-i-n-g
d-e-a-d-i-c-a-t-e-d---[      ]-----l-i-g-h-t

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