DALLAS! Upcoming dance and drum events

Mon, 6 Oct 1997 11:05:48 -0400 (EDT)

>From my dear friend, Amy to all of us:

Hey there,
It's time for the monthly Dances for Universal Peace gathering that
happens the first Tuesday of the month from 8 to 9 pm as part of the usual
weekly drum circle. Please come drum, dance or chant.
This month, we're celebrating Jupiter turning direct that night. If
you've felt it was hard to get projects going or perhaps were more
introspective than usual, it may have been because of this giant planet
(which represents the concept of expansion and universal wisdom) has been
appearing to go backward in its orbit since June. That ends on Tuesday.
Teri Thompson is now leading a second Dances for Universal Peace
gathering as part of the Monday open-mic night at Cosmic Cup which focuses
on spiritual writings. It happens on third week of the month in the last
hour from 9 to 10 pm. This one is a bit more introspective than Tuesday
nights and features at least one dance which incorporates spontaneous
poetry readings.
Give yourself a spiritual energy recharge and come to the dance!
peace... Amy
PS: On Oct. 21 we celebrate the one-year anniversary of the circle.
Party details to come!

_=^=_ DANCE DETAILS _=^=_
(@) Dances of Universal Peace is a national group with informal
branches in many cities.
(@) Chants from spiritual from traditions around the world are
combined with simple circle dance patterns.
(@) A type of moving meditation, the rhythmic movement and chanting
harmonizes the brain wave patterns in both hemispheres.
(@) For more info, or to find out about dance gatherings in Denton and
Fort Worth, call Teri Thompson at metro 817-577-0890, or email

_=^=_ CIRCLE DETAILS _=^=_
(@) Global Rhythms Drum Circle goes from 8 to 11 pm every Tuesday
night. Admission is free.
(@) The location is Cosmic Cup is 2912 Oak Lawn, 1 block south of Cedar
Springs; 214-521-6157.
(@) It's for small drums and musical instruments. Please no large
ashikos, congas or djembes.
(@) For more details, contact Amy Martin at 214-320-3851, or email

_=^=_ COSMIC CUP _=^=_
(@) Cosmic Cup is a vegetarian Indian restaurant and coffeehouse. The
food is light and wonderful, with some truly unique non-Indian sandwiches,
too, and great desserts. They serve spicy chai tea along with several
varieties of coffee.
(@) No food or shoes are allowed in the upstairs yoga room where the
circle is held, so come early if you want to eat and be sure to wear nice
clean socks while the weather's cold.

(@) Cosmic Cup is near the Melrose Hotel, across the street from
Office Depot and next door to Tony's Wine Warehouse.
(@) The best parking is at the Office Depot; the lot is well lit and
visible. You can park at the retail shopping strip next door, but only
after the shops have closed. Don't park at the Post Office. Ever. Not for a

Amy Martin ~ writer, producer: SolstiCelebrations
214-320-3851 <> fax: 214-320-3852 <> email: moonlady@onramp.net

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