Re: Love, etc

AwiNoquisi (
6 Oct 1997 00:38:33 GMT

Mark wrote:
>confront it, and resolve it. Until the past
>is dealt with, the abused remains a child, I don't care how old the body
>is, the personality remains immature. It's time for all of us (me
>included!) to grow up, stop blaming others for our pain and unhappiness,
>and to make our lives more like what we want them to be.

Amen Mark! Speaking from personal experience, it has been a long path to
recovery. The pain from childhood abuse never fully goes away, I think, but
it does ease with time. I was a wild teenager, and didn't really abuse anyone
but myself, but that was bad enough. In a sick way, I thought I deserved it.
My life changed when I started cultivating myself and when I saw a therapist.
I had a great one, an older female lady who was a hippie. I would love to add
more, but I'm at Mom's house and it's din-din time! :)

Lovin Y'all,

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