Re: The Golden Road of Love

Maryann Miller (
Sun, 05 Oct 1997 12:58:19 -0700

LUCIFER wrote:
> Dear BoombdBoom
> I just can't see this cross sex thing. I mean when brothers start
> blabbing about women having balls because of some imaginary anatomical
> whim that they have made up to be politically correct I start to wretch.
> And now this business of 'I used to be a man in another lifetime'. Come
> on.
> Are you guys for real? Am I just a reactionary macho ignoramous? I'm
> proud to be a MAN! I was always a MAN! I don't want to be gay or bi or
> trans or have some murky imagined past where I was just a sweet little
> girl. I don't see it guys. I know that most of you find me too obnoxious
> to respond too, but I just think some of you take your so called open
> minds too far and start to spout meaningless drivel.
> BoomBdBoom you sound like quite a woman. Do you really honestly believe
> this transsexual reincarnation stuff? You don't sound like a politically
> correct sweet talker but then again you do alot of quoting which can
> conveniently replace thinking. Oops I'm getting obnoxious again. Sorry.
> Real men speak their minds and only the strong of character can confront
> them. But I do want to learn from my AGR brethren.
> Are you guys with the 'women have balls, I was a man once' line of
> thought, hermaphrodites with dual genitals? Then I geuss you can fuck
> yourselves. Oops I'm insulting everyone again.
> I really am sorry. I talk like this too and often get in trouble. (with
> small minded losers)
> So Kill Me If I Have Actually Thoughts and Opinions

Roger, really, is reincarnation that difficult for you to imagine as
just possibly having an ounce of truth to it??? Come on, it's really not
a very radical concept, 75% of the worlds population takes it for
granted, kind of like they take a concept of god for granted. Is it just
the "transsexual" aspect of reincarnation that you have so much
trouble with? cuz if you can for a second or two imagine that
reincarnation itself might be true, then all you need to see is that
alot of sexuality is in the wiring, then ... wow, you have the makings
of a little moment of enlightenment.

Yes you are just a reactionary macho ignoramous. It takes one to know
one. Hey wait just a munuite!!!! Who said that??? Why I'll...

Heres a funny thing I saw one time, there was this rotwilier dog, big
beautifull agressive thing, but his powers of perception were a bit
basic. And he was eating his dinner one time while laying down. He had
an itch by his collar, and his foot kept comming up by his food bowl
trying to scratch that itch. But every time the foot came close enough
to the itch to scratch, he ferociously snapped and growled at his own
foot and chased it back to where it was sopposed to be, away from the
food bowl. Alas, the itch never got scratched.

That thcary thatan thure do hath an itthhch.

That'th all folk'th!!!
I-I-I lovthz ya sumpin fierth!!!

Eathy there luthifur, iz justht methin with ya!!!

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