Re: Ho !

TsalagiWmn (
4 Oct 1997 23:07:08 GMT

>I recently watched the movie "Lakota Woman", ......

First, let me explain a couple of things about Mary...yes, she was at,
she was no where near as important as she made herself out to be in that
movie...the movie was entertaining though...mostly embleshments...but

Second...the word (in phonetics) "Aho" is a bastardization of a Commanche
word...yes, it is a "strong agreement"...however, my questions is this...why
would a people who are not Indian wish to use it? And why would anyone use a
word they do not know about? And...why has it been, as usual, bastardized?
(Aho to "ho")

Just some food for thought and a little info...thanks for your time...

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