Re: The Golden Road of Love

BoomBdBoom (
3 Oct 1997 05:49:41 GMT

>Beautiful posts MC. Thanks.
>But there is no way you can understand a man's Golden Road.

Don't be so sure of that. I may be female in this incarnation, but I'm
pretty sure I was male in most of the last few. Most of my friends agree
this is likely. Or maybe it's just the way I was brought up....

> A road with
>heart (continuing with your terminology) does not mean satisfaction. The
>way of the warrior is hard. It is filled with pain and struggle and

Yes, the way of the warrior is hard. That doesn't mean it is without
satisfaction. I'm not talking about comfort here. I mean a path with
heart is one that allows you to "follow your bliss" (another Joseph
Campbell phrase.) It's a matter of doing whatever it is that turns your
crank on a spiritual, long term, personal level. For me that may be
playing drums. For you that may be jousting with local sheriff over unjust
arrests. It's going to be different for everyone. But it's the thing that
makes life worth living. Campbell's example was when he chose to study
myth and make a living at it (a dodgy thing to do when no one else was
doing it) when he was offered a lucrative but, for him, boring post in a
different field.

> Perhaps there is satisfaction at the end. Perhaps God welcomes the
>Man who has walked his highest destiny with a special love.

Sorry. I didn't mean to imply this. A path with heart is a purely
personal thing. It's great when ones special love can be involved, but it
isn't really a love life thing.

>But this man
>does not require reward. The life lived by the peace warrior is a life
>of trial and passage through the unknown. Anyone can shine a light on a
>sunny lovely day. Living Light means finding the Way through darkness my

Oh so painfully true. And not at all an easy thing to do. However, I
have noticed that it helps to remember it's ones own state of mind that
makes of earth a heaven or a hell. Why not turn torture into joy? I have
heard of a woman who smiled and joked with her litteral torturers. Made
them uncomfortable. Ask me about my hike through Wells Grey Provincial
Park some time. ;-)


I'm glad you responded to my post. I keep waiting for someone to come out
and say "Come on. You don't know so much." It's true. None of us do.

Montana Crystal
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