Carla Newbre (
Thu, 2 Oct 1997 18:23:49 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Glenn,

I am so sorry to hear you're having such a hard time.

I am not any kind of medical practitioner, but I do know of two herbs that
are very efficacious with viral problems: echinacea and St. John's Wort.
Both are widely available in tincture form in any health food store. St.
John's Wort appears to act as an MAO inhibitor, so if you take it in any
significant amounts it would be wise to avoid chocolate, aged cheese, red
wine, cold and flu meds, etc. If you are on high blood pressure
medication, you should check with a doc or naturopath before you use it.
Echinacea generally strengthens the immune system and has a reputation for
shortening the life of some viruses.

Many foods have both anti-viral and anti-cancer properties. Notable are
citrus fruits (though these may aggravate your nausea, so be
cautious with them and their juices) berries (especially strawberries),
shitake mushrooms, tea, red wine (yes!), garlic, broccoli, and onions.
You may not feel much like eating, so juice 'em if you must, but get those
fruits and veggies packed in.

In addition, there are Chinese herbs such as Ginseng and astragalus that
can help boost your general resistance.

Zinc is an important anti-viral, and yogurt is just generally good for
you. Try to avoid sugar and red meat.

Ginger is a proven anti-nausea agent - some scientific studies have proven
it is superior than many pharmacuticals for all kinds of nausea, including
motion sickness and morning sickness! Half a teaspoon of powdered ginger
is the recommended amount. (My info comes from Rodale press, which
publishes Prevention magazine and lots of books on natural healing methods
that have been documented with reputable testing methods.)

Remember to visualize health and healing for yourself. Books on tape from
the library can help relieve the boredom, and music can help you keep your
brain producing endorphins, which will assist in combating depression (St.
John's Wort also has an anti-depressant effect).

This must be a terribly frightening and frustrating time for you, Glenn.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love and Light,

On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Glenn & Ilene Battin wrote:

> Calling all Healers:
> So much has been discussed and dissed on agr about diseases and healing
> modalities this past year.
> I've got a new one and would appreciate you sharing your experience or insight
> to my problem.
> I have been diagnosed w/ a viral inner ear infection. The symptoms include
> extreme dizziness, nausea, constant ringing in my ears. (actually my whole
> brain seems to hum w/ a high pitched whine.)
> I do not have an earache. A physical E.N.T exam and audiological exam are normal.
> The Doc says based on experience in 80-90% of the cases this is a viral infection
> and will last about a month. If it persists longer I should begin a series of tests
> for brain cancer.
> I have been iced in bed for a week and am barely able to write this w/the help
> of a medicine "anti-vert" that is supposed to control the vertigo "dizzines".
> It helps a little but is also a seditive.
> Besides the side affects. I still feel out of control.
> I cannot get to work. A month out of work is a killer.
> Healing advise is really needed now.
> Glenn

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