Thu, 2 Oct 1997 12:33:49 -0400 (EDT)

<< Thank you KAHA !
I didn't even went as far as saying not an animal thing in animal
kingdom. I new a dog...
I just meant what nature, naturrally calls you to do, I suppose. I
even think testing it, or having it imposed on you from the same
side, might bring you back to nature... But may be I am making it
worse now...
Na really...
Love you all...

Kriss >>

Be gentle with this one, Kriss. I know some homosexuals who even underwent
shock theropy (yes, real electricity) to change their orientation. It didn't
straighten them out, just made them more neurotic. Homosexuals in this
country go through a lot of pain because of their orientation.

As to the idea of they would switch with the right partner, most of the
homosexuals I know hear that all the time. They find it very annoying.
Better just let this topic fade out.

Loving you right back!

Montana Crystal

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