Re: jamaica, guatamala

Madelyn Powell (
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 16:11:42 EST5EDT

hey now!

the ugly american, graham greene? ( i think) , yes, it's a great
place to start... though we've earned our reputation via the cia,
beginning with Eisenhowers reign, did anyone see "the American
Experience" on him Sunday nite? It was really revealing, I was born
at the end of 1960, so I really knew nothing... He was the first
president who went all over the world trying to convince folks that
we are not the devil incarnate... My brother has traveled
extensively in Hondorus and Guatemala, and helped start a trading
company that removed the local middlemen, so that craftspeople could
profit themselves from their work... I also have other friends that
habitually participate in some of the festivals down there. It's sad
but true that we have earned our lousy reputation by insisting on
speaking english, ordering big macs, and generally acting superior...
I've been dreaming of going down there for years, and will, one day,
to visit an herbalist who's spent her life learning the old ways from
a tribal healer...
I heard the atmosphere had turned ugly in some areas recently, there
were some rumors about us coming down to kidnap children to harvest
their organs... and there were others who say that's
brother hooked up through Williams with an expatriate who's been
working with the indigenous people down there for years also...
I think it must be like gatherings, and you get out of it what you
put into it...
a vision quest is sacred in any culture!
and happy trails!
maddy clare

> =respect the local mores and culture as you travel. I'm amazed as I travel
> =globally how many times the "rude american tourist" stereotype is true...
> =
> = - rob -
> =
> Hi rob....
> Thanks for all the time and equippment you've put into the agr to keep
> this newsgroup and list up and running as well as it has
> In reply to your ' rude american tourist ', there was a book, the " Ugly
> American " which really got into how self-centered and oblivous we are
> to other peoples values.
> peace and love + irb +

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