Re: Mercury retrograde love bug

Vince Henri (
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 07:10:11 -0400

Hi Kriss.....

=From: "Christophe Barbey" <>
=Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 23:09:01 CST
=Now that Irb (may shorten it ?) is some kind of a post...
=For the exemple, awsome, for the trippy space, a little spacy...
=For men and women, not very otpimistic, leaves us alone...

I am very optimistic....sort of blows me away when someone things I'm
not. We're going to be shown in a very definite way, the errors of our
ways, understand them and we WILL stop making them. Purification to
me means we are ALL, with or without our bodys, men or women,
going to be happy, in spite of ourselves. But it doesn't mean we won't
need to face the consequences of covering the earth and her
atmosphere with nuclear and toxic waste, no matter what we of the
western world, with our brillant affluence can do to insulate ourselves
from the suffering around the world. The waste comes from the
products mostly consumned by the west, which is a small minority of
the people of this planet and karma will have its day.

Some people hold to "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may
die", but I am not of that philosophy. I have tried not to produce waste
and have been a macrobiotic commune hippy most of my life. You may
think this is far fetched, but there are great powers on this planet who
will stop communes, Rainbow Gatherings or anything functioning
outside of their systems. I did not expect to be in the position I'm in at
this time of my life, but I underestimated those powers and here I am
sitting at a computer instead of being a communier, uk uk :-).

=More peacefull, so thamks for that. Got me to laugh, but I dont
=remmeber what for. I'll give it another chance.(I cant find it, I
=have a written copy).

Keep dancing your own dance and singing your own tune, Kriss. I
really appreciate it.

Lov'n U

I'm not hung up by what anyone wants to call long as they :-)

but really could use some lov'n


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