Tenants' Union and AYUDA serve with

28 Sep 1993 13:46:12

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Monday, September 17 1993

Today at noon the Tenants' Union held their semi-regular potluck at
Civic Center Plaza. They served food with AYUDA (a homeless rights
organization), and Food Not Bombs. All together about fifty people were

The injunction against Food Not Bombs doesn't apply to any other group. If you
don't belong to Food Not Bombs, you can't legitimately be arrested for
violating the injunction against them. If you want to join the Tenants' Union
and other groups and individuals supporting food for the hungry at Civic
Center Plaza, please do!

Of course as is clear from recent events much detailed in these updates, the
police sometimes don't have much respect for the law. INTERESTING NOTE: There
are serious rumors to the effect that several SFPD officers have been
suspended for refusing to arrest FNB food servers!! More on this as it becomes

The Tenants' Union served peanut-butter sandwiches, chicken and mushroom
pastries, bread, apples, crackers and dip. FNB had its usual GREAT soup, and

All in all, a nice sunny day! No cops, no fear, no foreboding, but there are a
*lot* of hungry people out there.

People stopped and asked questions about the recent arrests. Maggie the 80
year-old housing activist wore a sign that said "EVER SEE A HOMELESS
LANDLORD?" She'd go up to the suited and booted folks walking out of city
hall, and try to talk to them or give them information.

Most ignored her. So she'd ask, "Why do you have blinders on? What are you
afraid of seeing?" Maggie's great!!

-- Daniel

Food Not Bombs serves vegetarian soup and bagels, as well as donated juices,
cheesecakes, and fruits and vegetables to hungry people at 6 pm every night at
City Hall. FNB also serves M-F at Noon and Monday at Noon at Golden Gate Park
across from McDonald's.

FNB needs your support at their servings in front of the Civic Center. For
more information about the current situation, the arrests, and possible
solidarity actions, people should contact <resist@igc.apc.org> or call the

Food Not Bombs
3145 Geary Blvd. # 12
SF CA 94118

Hotline at (415) 330-5030.
Express bewilderment or outrage that people are arrested for serving food to:

Mayor Frank Jordan comment line (415) 554-7111
office 554-6141
Supervisor Angela Alioto 554-7788
Supervisor Terrance Hallinan 554-7766

****>> PLEASE NOTE: The above personal account is just that -- personal.
It is not intended to reflect Food Not Bombs, or any other

** Daniel Davidson **
San Francisco State University

-- A willingness to make others conform to social conditions
you find offensive is the true power of the State in your life.

The opinions expressed herewith reflect no consensus on
the part of Food Not Bombs, Fractal Factory or any
combination of Aaron, Andrew, Keith, Scott or others.
Unless otherwise specifically mentioned. andyrose@netcom.com

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