VICTORY IS AT HAND (china nuke test
26 Sep 1993 09:27:10

Infamous Mad Dog 1477 let Dexter serve soup Friday at
dinner. Officer Lammer was present from 5:50 until about
7:10, when, after negotiations with Dexter ? who had
unilaterally decided that feeding the people, and maintaining
the white bucket was more important than feeding at our
regular time whether the officer was there or not. This
unilateral decision was met with some derision by members
of FNB. However, Dexter has previous relations with the officer
being the only African descendant as is the officer, to
be arrested by this officer. You remember that this is
the officer who yanked Vincent and Tristan right out of the
pool. Dexter has developed a repore with the officer, to the
extant that he is willing to violate a direct order.
Soup was purple potato - green pepper.

This is a good thing in my book.

Saturday in the park, Jefferson Airplane Reunion concert.
Tom Osher, Brian, Chance, Martha, Vincent, and Matt were
on hand collecting donations (~$38) and talking about
the recent arrests. Diamond Dave gave a great speech on
stage during the early part of the day. We arranged
to smoke out at the RALLY Wednesday Sept29 Noon.
This event was attended by GreenPeace, Sane/Freeze,
HempIceCream, NORML, and the Hemp Store.
Bagels, peppermint flavored water.

Sunday is Organic Farm Harvest Fest in Sharon Meadow.

The opinions expressed herewith reflect no consensus on
the part of Food Not Bombs, Fractal Factory or any
combination of Aaron, Andrew, Keith, Scott or others.
Unless otherwise specifically mentioned.

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