[ This article relayed from the Usenet "soc.culture.native" newsgroup ]
*******FROM THE CIRCLE*******
Native American Assistance Fund
56 Joaquin Miller Ct.
Oakland, CA 94611
Ph: 510-531-7527
FAX: 510-531-7478
++++++++++ PRAYER & CANDLELIGHT VIGIL ++++++++++
For Future Generations of Indigenous and All People
Sunrise October 9 - Sunrise October 10, 1993
The Mall in Washington, DC
(Between the Washington Monument and The White House)
At Sunrise on October 9, 1993, we will begin a Prayer Vigil
to honor the preservation of indigenous spirituality. Avrol Looking
Horse, Keeper of the Sacred Buffalo Calf Pipe, his wife Carole Anne
Looking Horse, Sequoia True Blood and others will be joining us. We
invite all those who have worked for and believe in the
preservation of Indigenous spirituality throughout the world.
This is year ONE of the next 500 years and together we can
plant a prayerful seed for future generations. Teepees will be
erected to honor the Seventh Generation. We invite elders and
traditional people to help us. Please bring your drum group, runners,
walkers and all those who have contributed to the preservation of
indigenous spirituality.
All people who believe in this prayer are invited. Please
bring your own candles and a paper plate to go underneath the
candle. This vigil will be held every year for four years. Proposed
dates are Oct 8-9, 1994; Oct. 7-8, 1995 and Oct.12-13, 1996.
If you are unable to join us in Washington, you can create
your own Vigil wherever you are. Bev Archibald of The Four Worlds
Institute is organizing one in Canada. One is being organized in
Minneapolis-St. Paul. Please let us know if you do this so we can
share with each other.
Cheap airfare to Washington, DC round trip from most large cities
west of the Mississippi is $330.00. Contact this travel agency and
ask for Natalie. Departures (Travel Agency): 1-800-654-1130
(In California): 1-800-660-4797
For more information contact: FROM THE CIRCLE at the above
address or e-mail ddalcorso@igc.apc.org
Michele Lord + If you have come here to help me,
+ you are wasting your time.....
+ But if you have come because
+ your liberation is bound up with mine,
milo@scicom.alphacdc.com + then let us work together.
Aboriginal Woman