Food Not Bombs Approved by SF Super
26 Oct 1993 15:25:53


A measure urging the mayor to urge the board of the
park and recreations to allow free food distribution as
a political expression in civic center plaza only
was approved 7-2 by San Francisco Supervisors.

The Park and Rec codes are controlled by the Park
and Rec Board who are appointed by the mayor.

The supervisors in favor were Hallinan, Alioto, Bierman,
Migden, Lealle, Maher, and Shelley. Tshieh and Kennedy
were absent. Conroy (appointed by Mayor Jordan after
Clinton's victory) and ? also a mayoral appointment,
opposed (Hongisto vacated to become Police Chief, but
was expelled after ordering officers to remove
literature that was offensive to him from news stands
throughout San Francisco).

The measure for amnesty for offenders cited under Matrix
operation was defeated originally 4-7, and 3-8 after
a revote (Tshieh withdrew his support).

The Supervisors in favor of amnesty were Hallinan,
Alioto, and Bierman, and Tshieh temporarily.


McHenry charges people to call Arlo Smith, District Attorney
to inquire why the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) is allowed
to keep their files after spying on Food Not Bombs and
other civic groups, using police resources (for which one
officer was fired, Ray Bullock).
415 553 1752

McHenry states his arrest on friday was for no valid reason.
While the police state McHenry held a knife, no knife was
in McHenry's posession. McHenry never "scraped paint from
the Mayor's door."


No arrests except for Tristan Oct 25 Monday LUNCH,
RALLY Wednesday Civic Center Noon, OCT 27
100 white buckets


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