Food Not Bombs voice mail shut off!
22 Oct 1993 21:11:01

As of about 7pm today Friday Oct 22, the
Food Not Bombs voice mail machine is not responding.
This is curious because the bill has been paid,
as it always is on time. I alledge the police
are behind this and I believe that they are
responsible for alerting us that this was going
to happen. We shall see.

At 12:15 pm today, Keith McHenry locked himself
in Supervisor Terry Hallinan's office after
being chased through City Hall by peace officers.
It is believed that McHenry was removing the
letters "Frank Jordan" from the door to the
office of the mayor, when he was attacked and
persued by officers. The police, after forcing
their way into Hallinan's office, asked the staffers
to leave and proceeded to "rough up" McHenry.
McHenry was released approx. 8:30 pm.

Food Not Bombs continues to feed hungry people
at noon M-F and 6pm everyday at Civic Center
Plaza in San Francisco.

"No on Prop V" (fingerprinting) rally next
Wednesday noon -Civic Center.


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