Many of these phone # are fax
Armchair activists:
If you see something you like or don't like on TV
or in the paper or wherever, give a call and let
'em know (that you know who advertises).
Abalone Alliance 1-415-558-8135
ABC - SF 1-415-441-2823
ABC 20/20 - NY 1-212-887-2969
ABC American Agenda - NY 1-215-751-0479
ABC Prime Time 1-212-580-2427
ABC TV - LA 1-213-557-5210
ABC TV - SF 1-415-954-7633
ABC World News - NY 1-212-887-2795
ACLU - New York 1-212-869-9065
ACLU - SF 1-415-255-1478
ACLU2 - New York 1-212-354-5291
ACLU3 - New York 1-212-921-7196
ACLU4 - New York 1-212-730-4652
ACLU5 - New York 1-212-354-5290
Act Up - New York, NY 1-212-989-1797
ACT Up -SF 1-415-431-1456
Act Up Golden Gate - SF 1-415-252-9277
Agape Foundation - SF 1-415-474-2311
AIDS Project East Bay 834-0442
Alameda Labor Council 632-3993
Alameda Newspaper Group 748-0437
Alan Ginsberg 1-212-675-1686
Alliance Graphics - Berkeley 548-9520
Amazonia - SF 1-415-243-0661
Amnesty Intl. - New York, NY 1-212-627-1451
Anderson Valley Advertiser 1-707-895-2545
Antec 770-1288
AP - SF 1-415-552-9430
ARD-ORF-SRF Intl Ser - LA 1-213-477-7511
Asian Week 1-415-397-7258
Associated Press - New York,NY 1-212-621-1679
Baltimore Sun - SF office 1-415-552-8912
BAM - A. Haslan 934-2417
Bay Area Action 1-415-321-9026
Bay Cities News - SF 1-415-552-8912
Bay Guardian - East Bay 845-5014
Bay Guardian - editorial 1-415-255-8762
Bay Vision East 524-3035
Berkeley Tri-City 763-9670
Berkeley Voice - Sally/Shannon 339-4066
Bill Shiffman 431-2131
Bolerium Books - SF 1-415-255-6499
Buddhist Peace Fellowship -EBa 525-7973
Bus. Partnership for Peace-SF 1-415-968-9870
Cal. Inst of Integral Stud.-SF 1-415-753-1169/
Calif. Working Group - Berk. 549-0788
California Voice - Berkeley 644-0603
Campaign to Abolish Pov. - SF 1-415-4343110
CARAL - SF 1-415-546-7634
CBS Evening News - NY 1-212-975-2115
CBS News - NY 1-212-975-1519
CBS TV - LA 1-213-651-0321
CBS TV - SF 1-415-362-7417
Center for 3rd World Org. -Oak 533-0923
Center For Cons. Rights - NY 1-212-614-6499
Center for Ind. Living - Berk. 841-6168
Center for Urban Life - Oak. 465-2351
Channel 14 1-415-641-8677
Channel 5 1-415-765-8916
Chicano Moratorium - Berkeley 893-5362
Chin Intl News - J. Chin 1-415-956-5339
Chip Johnson - Oakland Tribune 208-6477
Christian Science Monitor-C.B. 1-212-768-8649Christic Ints. - D.C.
CISPES - SF 1-415-648-6529
Citizens for Better - SF 1-415-243-8980
City Lights - SF 1-415-362-4921
City of Berkeley - City Managr 644-6035
City Sun (Kimberleigh Smith) 1-718-596-7429
CNN (Nancy Hoguet) 1-212-714-7935
CNN - TV SF John M. 1-415-398-4049
Coalition on Homelesness - SF 1-415-563-4809
Comic Relief - LA 1-213-201-9488
Commemorator - Oakland 652-1834
Committee of Correspondence SF 1-415-863-5543
Common Cause - D.C. 1-202-659-3716
Community United Against SF 1-415-777-5565
Computer Professionals - PA 1-415-322-3798
Contra Costa Aids - Walnut Ck. 932-5153
Contra Costa Sun 285-1039
Contra Costa Times 933-0239
Copley News Service 1-916-321-1996
Cupertino Courier 1-408-997-9673
Cypress Dist - San Jose 1-408-298-2670
Daily Californian 849-2803
Daily Review 293-2490
Dan Dierria - Sacramento Bee 1-916-321-1109
Data Center - Oakland 835-3017
David Armstrong - Examiner 1-415-777-2525
Death Penalty Focus 452-9503
Deep Dish TV - NYC 1-212-420-8223
Downtown Community TV - NYC 1-212-420-8223
Downtown Express - NY City 1-212-941-7022
E. Bay Express 540-7700
Earth Island Inst. - SF 1-415-788-7324
El Dario La Prensa-Ed. Desk-NY 1-212-807-4705
Elmwood Inst. - Berkeley 845-1439
Emergency Services Network 451-3144
Epicenter - SF 1-415-431-0425
Eureka Times Standard 1-707-445-3117
Exam.-E. Fernandez 1-415-777-2525
FAIR, Attn: Veena & Laura 1-212-727-7668
Fortune Magazine 1-408-997-9673
Frank Grinnon - IBEW1011 -SF 1-415-468-4039
Free Clinic 548-8238l
Friends of the River - SF 1-415-771-0301
Future Media - Berkeley 234-4447
German TV Films - Los Angeles 1-213-462-1520
GLAAD-SFBA 1-415-861-4893
GLAD-SFBA 1-415-861-4893
Global Exchange - SF 1-415-255-7498
Golden Gater -SF State Newspap 1-415-338-2514
Good Morning - NY 1-212-887-4724
Good Old Lower East Side (Ben) 1-212-533-8126
Grassroots Foundation -Pacific 1-415-355-3332
Greenbelt Alliance -SF 1-415-543-1093
Greenline-Sunny L. 1-604-687-6397
Greenpeace 1-415-512-8699
Guardian 1-212-691-1161
Habitat for Humanity - NY 1-212-505-2403
Haight Ashbury Free Clinic -SF 1-415-563-1192
Health Access - SF 1-415-431-1048
High Times - New York, NY 1-212-475-7684
HUD Secretary Jack Kemp 1-202-708-0299
In Defense of Animals 1-415-453-0510
Inst. for Food & Devel - SF 1-415-864-3909International Action
Cent. -SF 1-415-821-5782
International Rivers Net. - BK 848-1008
International Treaty Council 1-415-566-0442
Intertribal Frienship HS. OAK 452-1243
J. Chin-CHN Intl. N 956-5339
John Carman - SF Chronicle 1-415-957-8737
John Raemer - Express & SF Wek 1-415-331-2761
K101 - News - SF 1-415-392-7104
KABL-FM - SF 1-415-981-2930
KALX - Matt Siegel 642-9715
KAPX-AM - San Rafael 1-415-456-7261
KARA-FM - San Jose 1-408-293-6124
KATD-News - South Bay 408 1-408-354-3587
KAZA-AM - San Jose 1-408-985-9322
KAZU - South Bay 1-408-375-7275
KBAQ TV - News 1-415-771-3089
KBAY-FM - San Jose 1-408-379-4563
KBBF-FM - Santa Rosa 1-707-545-8833
KBHK 44 -SF 1-415-771-3089
KBLX - News - East Bay 658-0894
KBRG-FM - San Jose 1-408-274-1818
KCAF - News - San Rafael 1-415-456-7261
KCBS - News - SF 1-415-765-4080
KCSM FM - San Mateo 1-415-574-6675
KDFC - News - SF 1-415-441-0890
KDIA - News - OAKLAND 633-0414
KDON-FM/KZXR-AM - South Bay 1-408-422-5363
KDTV 14 -SF 1-415-641-8677
KEEN-AM - San Jose 1-408-379-4563
KEST-AM - SF 1-415-626-2295
KEZR-News - South Bay 1-408-293-3341
KFJC-FM - Los Altos 1-415-948-1085
KFOG - Scoop - SF 1-415-386-3299
KFRC - News - SF 1-415-391-9576
KFTY-News - Santa Rosa 1-707-526-7429
KGO - Cathy Whitman - SF 1-415-954-8686
KGO TV - D. De Angelis -SF 1-415-956-6402
KGO2 954-7294
KHQT-Alex Peterson -South Bay 1-408-943-1589
KICU TV-News - San Jose 1-408-993-0723
KIEM-TV3 Schmedding -North Coa 1-707-442-6084
Kinko's - Davis - G street 1-916-758-5672
Kinko's - Eugene 1-503-683-4501
Kinko's - Santa Cruz 1-408-425-3945
Kinkos - Minneapolis 1-612-822-2330
Kinkos - New Orleans, St Charl 1-504-865-9288
KINS Radio B. Israel -N. Coast 1-707-444-3899
KITS - News -SF 1-415-777-0608
KJAZ - News - E Bay 769-4849
KKIQ - News - Livermore 455-0148
KKIS-News - Concord 686-1457
KKSF - News - SF 1-415-956-4177
KLIV-News - South Bay 1-408-293-6124
KLRS-FM/KSCO-AM - Fremont 475-2967
KMBY-FM/KLAU-AM - Oakland 649-7508
KMEL - News - SF 1-415-392-7044
KMUD-Estelle - Garberville 1-707-923-2501
KNEW-News - Oakland 465-9764
KNTV TV-News - San Jose 1-408-295-5461
KOIT - News - SF 1-415-421-5856
KOME-News - South Bay 1-415-781-6617
Komotion International - SF 1-415-626-2685
KPFA - Berkeley 848-3812KPFA-news
KPIX TV - News - Leena Wang-SF 1-415-765-8916
KPOO - SF 1-415-346-5173
KQED - Nicole Sawaya - SF 1-415-553-2241
KRCR-KEKA L. Lollich - N Bay 1-707-444-2325
KRON TV - Mark Jones - SF 1-415-561-8136
KRQR - Liz St. John - SF 1-415-765--4084
KRRS-KXFX News - N Bay 1-707-571-1097
KSAN - SF 1-415-395-9886
KSFO - News - SF 1-415-391-5464
KSJO-News - San Jose 1-408-452-1330
KSRO-KREO News - North Coast 1-707-575-9393
KSTS TV 48 - San Jose 1-408-433-5921
KSUL - News - San Mateo 1-415-574-9355
KTEH-TV 54 PBS - San Jose 1-408-437-5454
KTSF TV - News - SF 1-415-467-7559
KTVU TV - J. Fowler - Oakland 451-2610
KTVU TV 2 - Oakland 834-1212
KVOW-News - North Coast 1-707-226-7544
KWSS-News - South Bay 1-408-297-0359
KWUN AM - Concord 682-5987
KXXX-News - SF 1-415-951-7279
KYA - San Francisco 1-415-391-5464
KZST-News - North Coast 1-707-527-8216
LA Times SF - Mark Stein 1-415-552-2776
Labor Party Forum 1-415-695-1369
Leo Kustos - Prague 011-42-2-991-1868
Lester & Joan 832-3310
Life Magazine - New York 1-212-522-0331
Life on the Water -SF 1-415-885-4257
Livermore Herald 734-8043
London Times - Los Angeles 1-213-939-1698
Love and Rage 1-212-925-7976
Love and Rage - Minneapolis 1-612-338-5162
Love and Rage - New York 1-212-925-7976
Love and Rage -Chicago, Laurie 1-312-427-2946
MALDEF - SF 1-415-543-8235
Manchester Gaurdian - LA 1-619-378-2604
Manhattan Spirit 1-212-594-0719
Marin Center for Peace & Justi 1-415-459-4512
Marin Indep. Journal 1-415-382-1535A@@@@@@@
MC-Clatchey News Service 1-916-321-1996
Media Alliance -SF 1-415-441-4067
Meiklejohn Civil Liber. - BERK 848-6008
Melbourne Age 1-619-378-2604
Mendocino Envrionmentalist 1-707-462-2370
Milpitas Post 1-408-263-9710
Modesto Bee 1-209-578-2207
Montclarion 339-6101
Montry Bay Tribune 1-408-375-1512
MOST 1-714-373-9960
Mother Jones 1-415-863-5136
Mountain Democrat 1-916-622-7894
MTV - NewYork, NY 1-212-258-8844
Napa Register 1-707-224-3963
Nation 212-463-9712
NBC News - SF 1-415-441-2823
NBC Nightly News - NY 1-212-765-8447
NBC TV - LA 1-818-840-4275
Neighbor to Neighbor - SF 1-415-824-7874
New El Salvador Today - SF 1-415-882-1540
New World Times - SF 1-415-864-0455
New York Civil Liberties Union 1-212-354-2583Newsday
Newsweek - New York,NY 1-212-421-4993
NewsWeek - SF 1-415-788-4437
NICCA - Berkeley 654-8635
NORML - D.C. 1-202-483-0057
Northern CA Jewish B - SF 1-415-957-0266
Novato Advance 1-415-897-0940
NOW - SF 1-415-861-8969
NOW Legal Defense/Educa. Fund 1-212-226-1066
NPR - Wash. DC 1-202-822-2329
NY Daily News (City Editor) 1-212-682-4953
NY Metro Sane Freeze (J. Levy) 1-212-870-2207
NY Newsday (Richard Esposito) 1-212-696-0487
NY Observer 1-212-758-6568
NY Post (Mel Finkelstein) 1-212-732-4241
NY Press (Phyllis Orrick) 1-212-941-7824
NY Times (Metropolitan News) 1-212-556-4603
Oakland Post 763-9670
Oakland Trib - New - Editorial 208-6477
Oakland Tribune 645-2285
Oakland Tribune - Sara 645-2771
Orange City Register 1-714-542-5037
Oxfam America - Oakland 652-4497
Pacific News Service - SF 1-415-243-0815
Paper (David Hershkovits) 1-212-226-1091
Paper Tiger TV - SF 1-415-695-0916
Park (Tompkins) Rights Council 1-212-254-3080
Park Rights Council (Philippo) 1-212-254-3080
PBS - New York, NY 1-212-560-6611
Peace Brigades Intl. - SF 1-415-431-5963
Peace Links - Oakland 482-9468
Peacenet - SF 1-415-546-1794
Peninsula Peace Cntr. - Palo A 1-415-326-8994
Penninsula Times Tribune 1-415-853-5389
People For the American Way 1-202-293-----2672
People's Daily W - SF 1-415-626-8584
Peralta College TV - Oakland 464-3418
Pesticide Action Network - SF 1-415-541-9253
Petaluma Argus Courier 1-707-765-1707
Petalume Peace Group 1-707-765-6247
Physicians for Social Res - BK 845-8476
Physicians for Social Respons. 845-8476.
Planned Parenthood - SF 1-415-776-1449
Pledge of Resistance 655-1185
Popular Technology -SF 654-2887
Pro-Choice Coalition - SF 1-415-861-8969
Progressive Asset Manag. Oak 836-1621
Public Citizen - D.C. 1-202-234-5176
Rain Forest Action Network 1-415-398-2732
Refuse & Resist - New York 1-212-732-5239
Resistance 500 452-1243
Resource Center for Non V -SC 1-408-423-8716
Reuters - SF 1-415-986-5147
Richmond Post 763-9670
Rock & Roll Confiden. 1-213-841-6059
Rock & Roll Confidential-D.M. 1-213-841-6059
Rueters-SF 1-415-986-5147
Sac. Bee - Ken Payton 1-916-321-1109
Sacramento News-Review 1-916-737-1437
Sacramento Observer 1-916-737-1241
Salinas Californian 1-408-424-0117
San Jose Mercury News 1-408-288-8060
San Jose Metro 1-408-298-0806San Luis Ob Tele Tri
San Mateo Times 348-4478
San Ramon Valley Times 837-4334
SANE / Freeze - Marin County 1-415-459-7315
Santa Cruz Sentinel 1-408-423-1154
Save Our Shores - Santa Cruz 1-408-425-1404
Save SF Bay Association 1-415-452-9266
Secretary of State Press Off. 1-916-324-4573
Sequoia - SF 1-415-434-3110
SF Chrn-Briefing - San Mateo 1-415-572-8196
SF Chron - City Desk 1-415-512-8196
SF Chron - Torri Mintor 1-415-495-2067
SF Chronicle - E Bay 834-5556
SF Chronicle - Editor 1-415-512-8196
SF Chronicle - Jane 1-415-543-3392
SF Examiner - Business Desk 1-415-957-9428
SF Examiner - Editor 1-415-512-1264
SF Examiner - Erin McCormick 843-2424
SF Examiner - Foreign/National 1-415-543-6956
SF Examiner - Local/Metro Desk 1-415-777-2525
SF Examiner - Style Desk 1-415-777-8933
SF Indepedent 1-415-825-5371
SF Labor Council 1-415-882-4999
SF Metro Reporter 1-415-931-0214
SF Weekly -SF 1-415-777-1839
SF-Chron - City Desk 1-415-771-7131
SF-Exam-E. Bay 834-5225
Sierra Club - Oakland 653-0351
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalitn 1-408-998-4051
SJ Mercury - Editor 1-408-288-8060
SJ Mercury, E Bay -Barry Witt 987-7098
SJ Mercury, Fremont 790-7332
SJ Mercury, SF - Miranda 1-415-431-7871
Sonora Union Democrat 1-209-532-5139
Soviet TV 731-4164
SR PDEM - Mike G. 1-707-462-6478
Stanford Daily - Student Paper 1-415-321-1324
State Democratic Pary - Sac. 1-916-442-6257k
Steve 835-8778
Steve Szelter 1-415-695-1369
Sun Reporter 931-0214
TASS 625-3774
Technology Power 623-3840
TIME 434-5209
Time Magazine (L. Whitaker) 1-212-522-0452
Tompkins Square Folks 1-212-677-0655
Tri-Valley Herald 734-8043
TV Asahi (Japan) 1-213-203-9626
TV4 Nordisk-Sweden 1-213-459-9417
U.S. News Magazine (Don Baer) 1-202-955-2049
U.S. News Magazine - D.C. 1-202-955-2049
UC - Chancellor Office 643-5499
UC - General Counsel 987-9757
UC Community Affairs 642-6513
Union of Concerned Scientists 652-4685
Unity 652-4685
UPI- SF 1-415-552-3585
US News-World Report 1-213-832-6124
V. Kelling-Animal V. 11-213-204-2578
Vanguard Public Foudation 1-415-285-2519
Video Coalition - SF 1-415-861-4316
Village Voice 1-212-614-9416
Village Voice #2 1-212-460-1400WABC - New York, NY
WABC-AM Radio (Bob Bucci) 1-212-947-1340
Wall Street Journal - SF 1-415-391-4534
War Resisters League (Ruth) 1-212-228-6193
WBAI-FM - New York, NY 1-212-564-5359
WCBS Radio - New York, NY 1-212-975-5790
WNYC - New York, NY 1-212-665-2287
Wobblies - SF 1-415-626-2685
Women's Educational Media 1-415-863-9314
WST 391-4534
thanks to sdunifer for the info
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