rainbow guide Update.
Ben Masel (bmasel@igc.apc.org)
Mon, 08 Nov 1993 19:59:30 -0800 (PST)
High to all rainbow
it's that time of year again- we're requesting new names, address's, phone
and messages for the '94 guide.
also please resubmit if ya were in '93 rainbow guide
-all 1500 names received to date have been entered & copies going out to all
Fantastic job done by butterfly Bill, Zoe, and rest of Kansas crew
-stay tuned we will mail out notes of the thanksgiving council
-we welecome any news updates, zen breakthroughs, etcetra,etcetra to include in
the guide
-any&all donations accepted to make this the largest & the most charismatic
guide ever
don't forget to update any local,regional gatherings
can reply to conf. or write to us here in the madcity
care of dwaine
p/o box 3213
madison, Wi 53704
we love you!!!!!!
pleiades,dwayne,imp,ben,& the madcrew
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