18 Mar 1993 16:20:20

It come to my attention that alt.gathering.rainbow was created without going
through the normal group creation process which means it was picked
up by some sites and not others uunet for example did not pick it
up. Anyway for the penifit of all (espaiclay thoughts who want
to get this group but can't) I feel we should make this group offical.
all that is required is that we comr up with a charter and the rest
s of a techincal nature and will be taken care of.
I have here what I think is a start of the charter. Thought it
could be the whole thing, we would use part and add or
what ever. It might also by helpful to add a start history
of both the Rainbow family and the net Rainbow stuff.
If you have
any comment please post them. It is not necesry but would be nice
of the final charter where complete by early next week.
will be taken care of.
charter follows:

For discussing the annual Rainbow Family National Gathering as well as
regional Rainbow gatherings. The group also includes issues that are
relivent to the family, it's gatherings, and the people who are
involved in them.
The group has been in existence for 9 month and receives regular

In Love and Cyberspace

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