Europa Rainbow Calendar 1993
Marcus L. Endicott (
Wed, 17 Mar 1993 09:36:20 -0800 (PST)
This list gives first and new infos. Detailed info's &
invitations we send as soon as possible except the local-
gatherings + Mexico gath. infos you get probably by your regional
focalizer. Donate some money for postage to him/her + us +
March, centered - 21st, Portugal Spring Gathering
- Until we know more (if it takes place as local or regional
gath. concerning possible size), please use our address:
Rainbow Info Coordination
c/o Christof Zellweger
Postfach 4016
8022 Zuerich, SWITZERLAND
Tel: 077 93 38 45
(Note: This is a new and different R.I.C. address; the address
in Oetwil is now defunct.)
Rainbow Info Region: Midwest Germany
c/o Georg G.
Kunigundengarten 16
5202 Hennef-Bierth, GERMANY
(after June 93 new code no. = 53773 Hennef-Bierth)
Note: Very little has been heard of preparations in Portugal.
March, centered - 21st, Mexico Spring Gathering
- At Nancillaga and at an island in the lake of Catemaco, state
of Veracruz, 10 miles from Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico.
Rodolfo Rosas Escobar
67 A. Colonia Country Club Churubusco
04220 Coyoacan, Mexico 21. D.F., MEXICO
Tel: (5) 549 2234
April, 9th -> 12th, Regionales Deutschland Mitte-West Treffen
- Mit localer structur, in der Eifel bei Bad Muenstereifel naehe
Kall. Info:
Michael Geschwind
Aachenerstr. 42
5370 Kall
Tel: 02441-6082
(oder Georg G., siehe oben.)
April, 9th -> 12th, Regionales-Locales "Rainbow"-Related Fest &
Treffen in Suedwestdeutschland - "Hunsrueck"
- Info:
Rolf "der Wolf" Tepel
Werkstatt Lichtspiele
6543 Laufersweile
Tel: 06543-6972
May 25 -> June 5, "Acquacheta" Italy Gathering
- Regional in Toscana Mountains, inviting also the Rainbows from
the East of Europe who can't afford Ireland. Info:
Oriana Bianchi
Piazza Giotto No. 1
Vichhio de Mugello, FI., ITALIA
Tel: 0551-8448352 (don't speaks English)
Tel: 0575-788-356 (prov./Rainer & Anke)
Rainbow Circle
c/o Bimbadhara
Via Buenos Ayres 79
10137 Torino, ITALIA
Tel: 39 11 35 57 21
June 17th -> 27th, Rainbow Gathering In Russia Near St.
Petersburg and Lake Ladoga
- For more information and help with visas and travel to St.
Petersburg contact:
Liza Schnadt
Findhorn Ecotravels
The Park, Forres, Moray IV36OTZ, SCOTLAND
Tel./Fax: (0309) 690995
In Russia:
Vasudeva Kibiatiev & Friends
Korsakova 101-5
St. Petersburg 190008 RUSSIA
Tel: 812-219-7144
Fax: 812-314-1789
June, last 2 weeks, Summer Ting-meeting in West Norway
- Info:
Bernt Anderson
Bergmannsvn. 19
1634 Fredrikstad
Tel: (0047) 34 91 22
Rainbow House
Dr. gt 117
N-1700 Sarpsborg, NORWAY
Tel: (0047) 09-120510
Rob Wood (Denmark Focalizer)
Spanien 9BIII
8000 C. Arhus, DENMARK
Tel: 86-138148
July 1 -> 7, National U.S.A. Gath., probably in Southeast
July 25th -> Aug. 5, International & All European Rainbow
Gathering in Ireland
- Preparations are ongoing. Mike, Nico & Kailash (+ Stephanie
?) go for scouting. For early contacts write to:
Jenny Boughton
The Flat, Greys, Mallory, Banbury Road
Tel: 0926 49 73 11
Scout Council meeting and gathering for Equinox March 21-22 at
the Ashram: Millmoraine Basketry, Ballingerary, County Cork,
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