Pot O' Gold Requests...

Peter Fraterdeus (pfraterdeus@igc.apc.org)
Mon, 28 Jun 1993 16:10:17 -0700 (PDT)

Pot O' Gold Requests...
Howdy, Folks!

Thanks to all who have requested a Pot O' Gold!

I guess it was not clear that this is a printed newsletter.
While it is produced on my Mac equipment, it is not formatted for electronic
I don't have time to do this for the forseeable future.

Anyone with QuarkExpress can mail me a Mac floppy, and I'll send you the file!
Please feel free to distribute.

Otherwise, please send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (.29 stamp is fine).

I am unable to transcribe the names and addresses from email at this time, due
to overwhelming "real-world" responsibilities!

With Love and Thanks for your support!


Pot O' Gold
PO Box 5448
Evanston, IL 60204-5448

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