09 Jun 1993 17:43:56
Howdy Hi Folks,
I'm on line. Am at Crtuchers in Birmingham, Alabama. (205) 933-6012.
Quite a bit of news, sorry to say more bad than good. Thinking about going out
to site in Teladega tomorrow. Highway 278 to Peidmont, South on FS 500 to
Sweetwater lake. Intend to return here by dark. Say Pete could you put me on
the Rainbow bulletin board? Thanks. One step at a time. My E-mail address is
6081892@mcimail.com Hope to hear from some of you tomorrow. Lots of stuff
has been flying around. Would be good to hear some of it and respond to it.
Will be traveling with Hawk. There's a lot I want to say and do but intend to
tune into what's been being said first. One thing I want to say is its about
time we start growing up. Praise a smile in a heart. Dan D
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