Resource Guide on Former-Yugo

Marcus L. Endicott (
Mon, 22 Feb 1993 17:58:43 -0800 (PST)

/* Written 6:08 am Jan 9, 1993 by in igc:yugo.antiwar */
/* ---------- "Resource Guide on Former-Yugo" ---------- */
A Resource Guide on Ex-Yugoslavia
The media have given extensive coverage to the war in
ex-Yugoslavia. But little of it provides a helpful historical
perspective. And there is almost no coverage of the anti-war
campaigns active in every republic: the protest rallies, support
for conscientious objectors, ethnic reconciliation efforts, and
other kinds of nonviolent action. Yet such information is
important to anyone wanting to contribute in some way toward an
end to the conflict.
This resource list has been compiled to help fill the
information gap. It suggests publications, groups and individuals
who can provide a fuller political analysis and detailed reports
on grassroots peace work in the region.
We want to keep expanding and updating this material, and we
welcome ideas for additional items. Send them to Balkan War
Resource Group c/o War Resisters League, 339 Lafayette Street,
New York, N.Y. 10012. Fax: 212-228-6193. E-mail:

Banac, Ivo, The Yugoslav National Question: Origins, History,
Politics, Cornell, 1984. An erudite Croatian viewpoint of Serbian
domination of the First Yugoslavia (1918-1941).

Bordon, Anthony; Cohen, Ben; Crevatin, Marisa; and Zmiarevic,
Davorka, Breakdown: War & Reconstruction in Yugoslavia. Institute
for War and Peace Reporting, 1992. A collection of essays by
journalists in the former republics, providing historical
background and political analysis.

Cosic, Dobrica, Into the Battle, Harcourt Brace, 1983. Epic
historical novel set in WW I Serbia. The author is a key Serbian
politician today.

Dedijer, Vladimir, The Battle Stalin Lost, Viking, 1970. An
exploration of the Tito-Stalin split by the man who was then
Titos Minister of Information.

Djilas, Aleksa, The Contested Country: Yugoslav Unity and
Communist Revolution 1919-1953, Harvard, 1991. A cogent
exploration of how nationalism was controlled, balanced and
manipulated by the Communists in the formative era of the Second
Yugoslavia (1944-1991), by the son of the Tito eras most
prominent dissident, Milovan Djilas.

Drakulic, Slavenka, How We Survived Communism: Scenes from the
Other People, Norton, 1992. Personal essays by a well-known
journalist and feminist covering daily life under Communism; the
shortages and the small indignities.

Feffer, John, Shock Waves: Eastern Europe After the Revolutions,
South End Press, 1992. The chapter on Yugoslavia examines how
conflict among the national republics developed through the

Glenny, Misha, The Fall of Yugoslavia: The Third Balkan War,
Penguin, 1992. The BBC's Central Europe correspondent's
eyewitness account of the events leading up to the war and
portraits of the main personalities.

Sugar, Peter and Lederer, Ivo, Nationalism in Eastern Europe,
University of Washington, 1969. Lederers chapter on Nationalism
and the Yugoslavs provides a solid survey of pre-1945 Serb-Croat

Thompson, Mark, A Paper House: The Ending of Yugoslavia,
Pantheon, 1992. A journalist who has lived and travelled in the
Balkans since 1967 reports on how the regions complex history
created todays war.

West, Rebecca, Black Lamb & Gray Falcon, Viking, 1940. An
engaging, serious, opinionated first-hand account of Yugoslavia
by a British feminist and anti-fascist.

Balkan War Report (formerly known as Yugo-Fax). This monthly
publication from the Institute for War and Peace Reporting
provides excellent coverage and analysis of political
developments in the region. Its very expensive (approx. $60 for
six months), but if a number of interested groups in a community
can pool funds for a joint subscription, it can prove a
worthwhile investment. For more information, contact Institute
for War and Peace Reporting, 1 Auckland, London SE11 5HU England.

HCA Newsletter. This quarterly newsletter of the Helsinki
Citizens Assembly (a European-based network of peace and human
rights activists) regularly covers efforts to build a civil
society in the Balkan region. HCA Newsletter, HCA. Panska 7,
Praha 1, 11669 Czechoslovakia. Tel: 422-220181; Fax: 422-220948.

The Intruder. Published by the Center for Peace and Nonviolence
in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Unfortunately, this excellent bi-monthly
magazine will cease publication soon. There should be one more
issue (and perhaps they have back issues). Articles cover not the
war, but also analysis and reporting on efforts to build a
nonviolent society. One issue is US $2. Write to The Intruder,
Mestni trg 13, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Tel: 31-61-210-374.

Peace and Democracy News. A quarterly journal reporting on issues
facing peace and democracy movements around the world, with a
special emphasis on Eastern Europe and regular coverage of the
conflict in ex-Yugoslavia. Subscriptions are $7. Campaign for
Peace and Democracy, P.O. Box 1640, Cathedral Station, New York,
NY 10025. Tel: 212-666-5924. Fax: 212-662-5892.

Peace News. War Resisters Internationals monthly newspaper,
provides extensive coverage of the war from reports of grassroots
activists in the region. Subscriptions are US $20 airmail. Pay to
WRI International Fund c/o Ralph DiGia, WRL, 339 Lafayette St,
New York, NY 10012. If you would like back issues, write to Peace
News, 55 Dawes Street, London SE17, 1EL, England.

The Wild Pacifik, Magazine for Culture of Peace. A bilingual
magazine from the Center for Anti-War Action in Belgrade,
covering political statements and organizing activities in the
Serbian anti-war movement. Write to Center for Anti-War Action,
Prote Jateje 6, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Tel/Fax: 38-11-431-298.

Computer Conferences
If you have a modem, and you belong to PeaceNet or a network that
can access PaceNet, there is a computer conference to follow
called yugo.antiwar. Relevant reports can also occasionally be
found gn:armstrade. If your computer is not on PeaceNet and you
would like it to be, contact Institute for Global Communications,
18 De Boom Street, San Francisco, CA 94117, Tel: 415-442-0220.

U.S. Groups and Individuals Working To End the War
American Friends Service Committee/New York Metropolitan Office,
Jack Patterson & Cheshire Frager, 15 Rutherford Place, New York,
N.Y. 10003.Tel: 212-528-0963/ 598-0971. Fax: 212-529-4603.
Facilitating a conflict resolution dialogue group among Serbians,
Croatians and Bosnians living in New York. Special interest in
applying conflict resolution techniques to the issues raised by
the war.

War Resisters League, attn: Dorie Wilsnack, 339 Lafayette Street,
New York, N.Y. 10012. Tel: 212-228-0450. Fax: 212-228-6193.
Promoting anti-war groups in ex-Yugoslavia. Dorie is available
for public speaking and writing against military solutions and in
favor of nonviolent alternatives.

Greg Payton, 282 N. Maple Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey 07017.
Tel:201-675-3652. A Vietnam veteran who was on a speaking tour in
Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia in October 1992, organized by War
Resisters International and the local anti-war groups. He met
with returning soldiers, deserters, and community workers to
discuss post-traumatic stress, the community healing efforts that
must begin with soldiers after a war, and the lessons learned by
Vietnam Vets Against the War. He is available to speak about his
tour and the people he met.

American Friends Service Committee, East/West Program, attn: Mike
Simmons, 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Tel:
215-241-7188. Fax: 215-241-7177. Collecting and disseminating
information. AFSC has staff in Eastern Europe who provide
information and analysis.

Grassroots Listening & Organizing, attn: Herb Walters, Rural
Southern Voice for Peace, 1898 Hannah Branch Road, Burnsville, NC
28714. Tel:704-675-5933. This is a project promoting dialogue and
active listening among groups in conflict. Herb returned in Fall
1992 from an effort in Vojvodina, the Serbian region with a large
ethnic Hungarian population.

DiYUlog, c/o Synapses, attn: Ray Lopez, 1821 West Cullerton
Street, Chicago, Illinois 60608. Tel: 312-421-5513. Organizing
discussions and political action among peace activists and local
Serbians, Croatians, Muslims from ex-Yugoslavia.

Peace and Solidarity for Sarajevo, c/o Kathy Kelly, 1460 West
Carmen Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60640. Tel/Fax:312-784-8065. A
peace walk and nonviolent presence in Sarajevo December 5-15.
Coordinated by an Italian peace group; Kathy is the US contact.

Unitarian-Univeralist Church of Tucson, attn: Gloria McMillan,
4831 E. 22nd Street, Tucson, AZ. Gloria facilitates dialogue
group of Serbians, Croatians and Muslims, meeting every month.

Peace in the Balkans Project, attn: Joel Gazis-Sax, 2727 Midtown
Court No. 37, Palo Alto, California 94303. Tel: 415-321-3449.
Organizing support for the Center for Peace, Nonviolence and
Human Rights in Osijek, Croatia. Joel lived in the region last
year, is available for public speaking.

Peace Groups in the former Yugoslavia

International Peace Centre Dobrovoljacka 3, Sarajevo, Tel:
Ibrahim Spahic, 38-71-646-455; Fax: 38-71-663-730

Centre for Anti-War Activities, Ul Hasana Kikica br 8, 71000
Sarajevo, Tel/Fax: 38-71-650-660

Anti-War Campaign Croatia (ARK), Tkalciceva 38, 41000 Zagreb
Tel: 38-41-422-495; Fax: 38-41-271-143

Center for Peace, Nonviolence & Human Rights, Boesenderferova 2,
5400 Osljek; Tel: 38-54-124154; Fax: 38-54-45934

Democratic Forum Rijeka, Tel: Sura Demanic, 38-51-713-291

Free Dalmatia, Split, Croatia, Fredja, Tel: 38-58-42-424;
Fax: 38-58-551-740

Democratic League of Kosova, Prishtine; Tel: 38-38-24234
Tel/Fax: 38-38-27660

Green Action Skopje, C/o Jan Nansijevski, Tel: 38-91-213966;
Fax: 38-91-20175

Women for Peace, Skopje, Tel: 38-91-210627;
Fax: 38-91-236856

Forum for Human Rights of Macedonia, c/o Meto Jovanovski, St. P.
Zografski 51, 91000 Skopje, Tel: 38-91-219-067

Citizens Committee for Peace, Hercegovacka 15, 81000 Titograd;
Tel/Fax: 38-81-41914

Belgrade Circle, Professor Miladin Zivotic, Dom Omladin,
Makedonska 22, 11000 Belgrade

Borba, Roksana Nincic, Tel: 38-11-334-531

B92 (Radio), Veran Matic, Makedonska 22, 5th floor, 11000
Belgrade, Tel: 38-11-330-946

Centre for Anti-War Action, Prote Mateje 6, 11000 Belgrade,
Tel/Fax: 3-11-431298

NTV Studio B, Milorad Roganovic, Vice Director, Palata Beograde,
Ma Sarikova, 11000 Belgrade

Student Protest '92, c/o Philosophy Faculty, Studentki trg V
Carapica, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: 38-11-636-158

38-11-646-070, Fax:

Women in Black, c/o Stasa Zajovic, Dragoslava Popovica 9/10, 11
Belgrade, Tel: 38-11-624666

Peace Institute, Mestni trg 13, 61000 Ljubljana, Tel:

Mladina, Franci Zavrl, Reslijeva 16, 6100 Ljubljana, Tel:
38-61-321-954; Fax: 38-61-329-589

Anti-War Center of Ada, Vera Vebel, Sencanski Put 27, 24430 Ada

Anti War Center of Novi Sad, c/o Nenand Mirovic, Narodnog Fronta
43, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel: 38-21-363302; Fax: 38-21-57797

European Civic Centre for Conflict Resolution, trg Cara Jovana
Nenada 15, 24000 Subotica, Tel: 38-24-37116

Peace Movement Vojvodina, c/o Slavenka Ljublic, Maksima Gorkog,
10/III, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel: 38-21-619019

Women in Black, Viljana Regodic, Vojvodanska 53, 26000 Pancevo,
Tel: 38-13-512641

Printed version: $.10 a single copy, $10.00 for 100

War Resisters League
attn: Dorie Wilsnack, 339 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012;
Tel: 212-228-0450; Fax: 212-228-6193; e-mail

attn: Cheshire Frager, 15 Rutherford Place, New York, NY 10003,
Tel: 212-528-0971, Fax: 212-529-4603

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