Michigan Calendar 93

Stephen R. Johgart (sjohgart@igc.apc.org)
Sat, 06 Feb 1993 08:35:00 -0800 (PST)


Winter Regional Rainbow Gathering
Thursday, February 11th - Sunday, February 14th

Awaken Peaceful Brothers and Sisters! The Earth slumbers and reserves
it's energies for the coming Spring, but we of the Great Lakes Rainbow
Family have aspired to commune together in our first Great Lakes Regional
Winter Love-in. A wondrous site has been chosen at Nordhouse Dunes located
in the Manistee National Forest just North of Ludington. The site is
sheltered by surrounding dunes and forest and is located just inland enough
to be influenced by the Lake Effect Snowfall. This should make for great
Winter fun.
Please bring your Light, food, tools, medical supplies, musical instruments,
all things kind. But Do Be Prepared For WINTER CAMPING.

Come prepared for great Love, Joy, and Sharing!
To fill our hearts with Caring.


Focalizers for this Gathering include:
Leaf: (313) 677-3813 @ Gonzo: (313)761-4243 @ Swoop: (517) 886-4251

May 1 and 2: Yard Sale - 910 Canton, Lansing (near the Waverly - St. Joseph

May 22 and 23: Yard Sale - 2890 Hawks, Ann Arbor (corner of Packard east of
Carpenter Rd.). Yard sales to help provide green energy for regional Howdy
Folks mailing and other regional networking. Save your goodies--donations of
goods and energy are welcome. Hugs are free.

June 19: Picnic - Gallup Park, Ann Arbor, Rainbow Noon until... A chance
to renew old howdys, make some plans for the Don't-Spit-in-The (Turtle) Soup
Kitchen and to make some connections for rides and caravans to the 1993
Rainbow Family Gathering of the Tribes in the Southeast.

July 5: Council - Don't-Spit-in-The (Turtle) Soup Kitchen, Rainbow
Gathering, Southeast U.S., Rainbow 1:00 PM. Council to discuss possible
regionals and any other regional items which are brought to council.

July 24: This is this is the last day of the Ann Arbor Art Fair, and as
usual it is anticipated that many Rainbow folks will head out to the Arb.
Once again we comply scrupulously with the regulation against organized
events by announcing that there is nothing being organized from 2 p.m. to
dusk. To reiterate: 2 pm to dusk, Nichols Arboretum, Ann Arbor, Michigan:
Nothing organized going on. Ignore all rumors of organization, whatever the

August 28: Picnic - Belle Isle, Detroit, near the Livingstone Light on the
north end of the island, Afternoon and Evening. Smile.

In the event of significant rain, Saturday events will miraculously move to

For info, send a SASE to Great Lakes Rainbow - Michigan, Box 3433, Ann
Arbor, MI 48106-3433 or call one of the numbers above (collect calls will
not be accepted).

Note: My concept tfor the July 5 council is that regional councils can happen
early in the day, and the n at $:00 4:00 or so the traediditional folkalizers '
council can convene and incorpporate ideas gegnerated tat the regional councils.
In my experience, folks aren't much interested in coucncilling the first few
days of the Gathering (I include myself); getting set up, exploreinging, playing,
praying, and so on take up most of folks' energies. The 5hth is the best day;
most folks are still around, and are settled enough to come together in co
cooperative council. But this is just one brotheerr's concept...


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