Important additions to LL action al

16 Aug 1993 13:17:34

Dear Rainbow Land.
Many of you have gotten action alerts from the
legalliason/DCCrew about 36 CFR 251 and 261, the nasty nasty reg's
that would inhibit our first amendment rights of freedom of speech
and assembly. Please be sure and distribute this information
(especially the phone numbers of the legislators to be contacted)
as widely as possible. It should be noted, however, that when you
photocopy these action alerts, you should cover over the
legalliason name and distribute it as individuals or individual
families or as other groups. Also, we need to get this issue into
the mainstream media by writing letters to the editor of any
newspaper/ newsletter in your area as well as into zines etc. If
you have any questions, feel free to call us here in DC.
Posted for Forest by chicken

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