Po'G--Call for Items

Peter Fraterdeus (pfraterdeus@igc.apc.org)
Tue, 06 Apr 1993 01:04:51 -0700 (PDT)

Po'G--Call for Items 4/6/93 3:16 AM
Design Onlinet
Alphabets Design Group
[X]Please Review!
Hey, y'all!
Happy Passover & Easter & Re-Birth of Mother Earth!

We'll be producing the Spring >>Pot o' Gold<< this month....
I've got plenty to fill it up, but I'd appreciate everybody reminding me of our
most important current issues.

Also, a small amount of creative writing and art sometimes squeezes in the Pot,
as well!

Feel free!

Love and Light!
Play for Peace!

Peter (the compiler/editor/janitor/"blame it on me, nobody else deserves

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