office needs!!!!
01 Apr 1993 15:42:33
I just come from the office and we are closer to being on line I have
a little mini news letter I will upload in a few minutes but in this
message I just want to cover a few things the office needs:
1. a computer to terminal!!!!!!!
2. a modem!!!
3. a printer
4. an other computer equipment!!!
5. we are in need of about $200 to cover office operationg
costs. We are getting donation (very slowy) but we have no access
to them unless they are earmarged for the office. Of this $200
we figure we need half of it in stamps.
6. We need goo family to help out at the office their is space to live
7. Anything else an office might need.
8. your favorit casstete tape (the radio station suck!!! :))
well that is it if you have any of this stuff please get in touch with
us via mail, phone, or my e-mail address (if I do not responde to mail
I am out of contact and try by phone)
Love You
ps. office info is in update!!!
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