The Candidates are Coming...The Candidates are Coming!
During the upcoming presidential debate Tuesday September 22, 1992 at the
Michigan State University campus there is a unique organizing opportunity
for grass roots activism. An expected 2,000+ members of national and
international press organizations will be in East Lansing before and during
the debate, giving activists the chance to reach a worldwide audience.
We propose and Activists' Gathering during the event. There is sufficient
time to organize teach-ins, press conferences, a rally, etc., before/during
the debate. This is a call to activists and activist groups fighting to
increase awareness of the important issues which are not being addressed
sufficiently by the candidates: pollution and the environmental crisis,
social justice, poverty, civil rights, women's rights, the war on drugs,
militarism, etc.
It is time to make a showing to the candidates and the world--we want real
change, not just talk. No more "business as usual"! Come to East Lansing.
Time is limited, but by working together, activist groups and individuals
from around the state and region can make a positive impact on the future of
our world.
If you would like to join in this unique opportunity, contact: bill-i
(Lansing) at (517) 371-1264 or Refuse and Resist (Detroit area) at (313)
275-8979 for information about organizational meetings. The first meeting
will be held the first week of September at the MSU Student Union, time and
date to be announced.
If you would like to contribute to printing and organizing costs, mail
contributions to MSU HEA, P.O. Box 4935, East Lansing, MI 48826-4935. Please
write DEBATE on your contribution.
Camping space is available outside of town for people interested in helping
to organize or focalize the event. From September 18 - 23 and activist
support gathering with traditional sweat lodges and Rainbow-style community
vegetarian meals will be held. For information about camping, contact Steve
Grose at (517) 628-2301.
The following groups have endorsed this event: SEAC, MSU Hemp Environmental
Activists, Refuse and Resist, Red Cedar Earth First!, New Age Patriot. We
need your group's endorsement!
NOTE: George Bush the other day said he would not attend this debate--
we scared him off already, I guess! Hopefully he will change his mind.
Also, the support gathering is only an hour from the Community Harvest
Gathering, September 19 and 20, Island Lake State Recreation Area (near
Brighton) in the organizational campground--vegetarial meals, campfire,
drumming, music, dance, ritual circle in the Rainbow Meadow, overnight
camping Saturday.