Earth our Body
Water our Blood
Air our Breath
and Fire our Spirit...
Howdy Folks from the Land Down Yonder
As consensed by the Piedmont Family Gathering at the Fall Equinox, we invite all sisters and brothers to the 1992 Thanksgiving Council of the Rainbow Family. The harmonizing of our energies here in the Southeast is particularly important this year since, by consensus of this year's Vision Council, our region will be hosting the 1993 annual Gathering of the Family of Living Light. Healing and World Peace are, as always, our focus.
We will begin with the Feast of Giving Thanks on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, and continue to council through Sunday. Because of past experience, Yonder Family is extending a four-day invitation only. We are not offering the farm as a layover for folks waiting for the Gathering. If anyone wants to stay and contribute, opportunities are available for tree-planting and other labor for those who are self-sufficient and have transportation. (This would be a good way to raise money for the Magic Hat over the winter.)
The Land Down Yonder was devastated many years ago by the lumber industry, but the young saplings are growing up, healing from the deep wounds society has inflicted. The council chose this space to gather at Thanksgiving as a metaphor for the needs of our planet. As our planet, this land needs strong spirits as well as strong hands. It takes strength as well as patience to build a healing community.
During the four days of council, we hope to lay the foundation for a gathering which nurtures our spirits collectively and individually. Bring your hearts, minds and bodies and all the gear and tools we'll need to camp for four days. We have five big tents for sleeping and counciling, plenty of good springwater (bring containers) and a kitchen ready; bring food to share for the feast and through the weekend. Be prepared for cool weather.
We, as a community, reach out to the Family for the energy needed to create and nurtureQ not chop and drainQ the existing roots of a healing land. The land has much to offer so come down and council and feast with the Family as we all together continue the healing process.
Ho! All our Relations, Welcome!
a note from the scribe:
THIS IS A WORKING COUNCIL. It is our chance to join hands in a circle of equals and invite Spirit's guidance for our actions as a Family. Everyone is welcome, but please respect our focus and the council process. By listening patiently to all, even the quietest voice among us, and openly discussing our differences, we will sooner or later hear the voice of Spirit in the silence that signifies consensus. It is not always unanimous, we have learned; sometimes, out of respect for what the greater number wishes to do, we must stand aside and let the council proceed without us. Consensus process does work, but only if everyone present really wants it to. Come and listen with us! Namast.
% If you and/or your local circle would like to help focalize the Gathering office, P.O. Box & telephone
% If you have or know of land anywhere in the Southeast for a pre-Gathering layover camp
% If you have energy, a vehicle, and/or places in mind for scouting (we're looking for a site in a remote area of National Forest, with lots of parking, open meadows and good spring water; bring maps & photos if you can)
% If you want to help out in any way with the 1993 Rainbow Gathering in the Southeast
(* or address mail to Thanksgiving Council '92 c/o Yonder Family Farm, Rt. 2 Box 108, Jeffersonville GA 31044. (All mail received after Council will be forwarded to the Family office.)
Jeffersonville is 10 miles north of I-16, 20 miles east of Macon. We are 1 mile north of Jeffersonville on Hwy. 18, on a dirt road 1/4 mile south of Balls Church Rd. Watch for the Rainbow. (Directions will be recorded on the Atlanta Rainbow LightLine, 404/662-6112.) Please leave behind alcohol, drugs, pets, weapons. We Love You!
UDawn Aura's poem about Wing*****text.Thanksgiving Howdy TEXTMSWD@'wu\Ufrom Travel Backupuf&