
Marian Rose (mrose@igc.apc.org)
Sun, 11 Oct 1992 13:39:22 -0700 (PDT)

Does anyone out there have information about a regional gathering happening
in Texas soon? We'd like dates and site info if possible. Also does
anyone have info about the Rainbow Peace Caravan to Mexico, being focalized
by Am? If you know anything you can either reply here or send me Email at
<mrose@igc.org>. Much appreciation for anyone sharing this information.
Also, I just wanted to respond to an earlier posting by Wing - one that
was also reproduced in the recent HO!. He mentioned that the Cumberland
Regional family was not even sure if they would host a regional next spring.
I was at the vision council at last years Cumberland regional and am also
in contact with many of that regional family. It was consensed at that vision
council that there indeed would be a regional again next year and that if would
be held on the week surrounding the full moon in May. So, in response to that
previous posting, ignore all rumors of cancellation of the Cumberland. Thanks.
Love is light, Peace,

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