Description of awf.*

Peter Fraterdeus (
Wed, 06 May 1992 05:03:42 -0700 (PDT)

Description of awf.* 5/6/92 2:03 AM
Design Online*
Alphabets Design Group
[X]Please Review!

Can we get our listing in the Confs descriptions changed?

Currently it's:
Description: Distributes Rainbow Family News to local circles, including
timely and accurate information about upcoming gatherings.
Sponsor: AWF - Rainbow Tribe
Contacts: pfraterdeus
keys: community, family, rainbow, newsletters

I suggest:
Description: Discussions, news, and rumor-control of the Rainbow Tribe from
local circles, including timely and accurate information about upcoming
gatherings. "awf" is for the All Ways Free newspaper, from which this
conference sprung.
Sponsor: Rainbow "Focalizer" Council - A Volunteer Group
keys: community, rainbow, newsletters, gathering, freedom of assembly,
tribal, lifestyle, nomads

Any comments? Anybody else want to facilitate?


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