nomadic community

M. Strata Rose (strata@FENCHURCH.MIT.EDU)
Sun, 10 May 1992 16:50:44 -0700 (PDT)

Well, one good start would be to have regular gatherings-- twice a year,
maybe quarterly. Some could be piggybacked onto other gatherings-- a
Technomads camp at the Rainbow Tribes gatherings, Technomads BOF at Usenix
and InterOp, Technomads Party at the various WorldCons and WesterCons and
so on. Anyone know what ever happened to the idea of the "Telecom
Trappers REndezvous"? I saw a proposal posted on the WELL over 2
years ago and think I would have heard about it by now if it had happened.

Any East Coast Technomads out there? You should take over the
RoadKillCon bid parties! ("95 in 95": hack party/bid proposal to shut down
the stretch of Interstate 95 between Baltimore and Washington DC and hold a
WorldCon there, September 1995)


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